Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Configure a JDBC Data View

You cannot use DSCC to perform this task. Use the command line, as described in this procedure.

  1. View the properties of a JDBC data view.

    $ dpconf get-jdbc-data-view-prop -h host -p port view-name

    The default properties of a JDBC data view are as follows:

    alternate-search-base-dn                    :  -
    attr-name-mappings                          :  none
    base-dn                                     :  o=sql1
    contains-shared-entries                     :  -
    description                                 :  -
    distribution-algorithm                      :  -
    dn-join-rule                                :  -
    dn-mapping-attrs                            :  none
    dn-mapping-source-base-dn                   :  none
    excluded-subtrees                           :  -
    filter-join-rule                            :  -
    is-enabled                                  :  true
    is-read-only                                :  false
    is-routable                                 :  true
    jdbc-data-source-pool                       :  pool-name
    lexicographic-attrs                         :  all
    lexicographic-lower-bound                   :  none
    lexicographic-upper-bound                   :  none
    non-viewable-attr                           :  -
    non-writable-attr                           :  -
    numeric-attrs                               :  all
    numeric-default-data-view                   :  false
    numeric-lower-bound                         :  none
    numeric-upper-bound                         :  none
    pattern-matching-base-object-search-filter  :  all
    pattern-matching-dn-regular-expression      :  all
    pattern-matching-one-level-search-filter    :  all
    pattern-matching-subtree-search-filter      :  all
    process-bind                                :  -
    replication-role                            :  master
    viewable-attr                               :  all except non-viewable-attr
    writable-attr                               :  all except non-writable-attr
  2. Change one or more of the properties that are listed in Step 1.

    $ dpconf set-jdbc-data-view-prop -h host -p port view-name property:value \
     [property:value ... ]