Service Registry 3.1 User's Guide

Searching by Object Type

The simplest search is by object type only.

The default choice in the Object Type combo box is RegistryObject, which finds all objects in the Registry. To narrow the search, change the object type.

The ClassificationNode choice lists concepts within classification schemes. ClassificationNode is a synonym for Concept.

Table 2–2 describes the object types available in the Registry.

Table 2–2 Service Registry Object Types

Object Type 



Represents an ad hoc query expressed in a query syntax. AdhocQuery objects are used for discovery of registry objects. AdhocQuery objects are similar in purpose to the concept of stored procedures in relational databases. For example, the predefined queries in the Search panel are all AdhocQuery objects.


Defines a relationship between two objects. 


Provides a record of a change to an object. A collection of AuditableEvent objects constitutes an object's audit trail.


Classifies an object by using a ClassificationScheme.


Represents a taxonomy element that has a structural relationship with other elements in an internal ClassificationScheme. Also called a Concept.


Represents a taxonomy used to classify objects. In an internal ClassificationScheme, all taxonomy elements are defined in the registry as Concept instances. In an external ClassificationScheme, the values are not defined in the registry as Concept instances but instead are referenced by their String representations.


Provides additional information about an object by using String values within an identification scheme (an external ClassificationScheme). Examples of identification schemes are DUNS numbers and Social Security numbers.


Provides a URI for content that resides outside the registry. 


Provides metadata that describes submitted content whose type is not intrinsically known to the registry and that therefore must be described by means of additional attributes, such as MIME type. 


Represents an affiliated group of registries. 


Represents a notification from the registry regarding an event that matches a Subscription.


Provides information about an organization. May have a parent, and may have one or more child organizations. Always has a User object as a primary contact, and may offer Service objects.

Person, User

Provides information about persons and registered users within the registry. User objects are affiliated with Organization objects.


Represents a registry. 


Represents a logical grouping of any number of registry objects. 


Provides information on a service. May contain one or more ServiceBinding objects.


Represents technical information on how to access a service. 


Provides the linkage between a ServiceBinding and a technical specification that describes how to use the service by using the ServiceBinding.


Defines a User's interest in certain types of AuditableEvent. A User creates a Subscription in order to receive notification of certain types of events.

ProcedureTo Search by Object Type

  1. Choose an object type from the Object Type combo box.

  2. Click the Search button, or place the cursor in the Name or Description text field and press Return.

    The search returns all objects of the specified type. You can narrow the search by specifying a name, description, status, or classification.