Service Registry 3.1 User's Guide

ProcedureTo Create and Publish an ExtrinsicObject Object

An ExtrinsicObject provides metadata that describes content whose type is not intrinsically known to the registry and that therefore must be described by means of additional attributes, such as MIME type.

Use an ExtrinsicObject to publish files of various kinds. Most commonly, these are Web Services artifacts such as WSDL files.

The ebXML Registry Profile for Web Services is an OASIS standard that defines the ebXML Registry profile for publication, management, governance, discovery, and reuse of Web Services artifacts. By default, Service Registry implements this profile. In practice, this means that when you publish a WSDL file to the Registry as an ExtrinsicObject object, the Registry creates some standard metadata for the document, in effect creating the web service defined by the document. This feature is called WSDL cataloging.

To publish one or more WSDL files that have dependencies on each other or on other files (such as XSD files), create a zip file that contains all the files.

It is possible for an administrator to disable the WSDL cataloging feature. See Disabling the WSDL Cataloger in Service Registry 3.1 Administration Guide for details.

  1. Execute Steps 1–6 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object. In Step 2, select ExtrinsicObject or one of its subtypes.

    For example, to publish one or more WSDL files, select WSDL.

  2. (Optional) Type the MIME type of the object in the MimeType field. The type should be one of those listed in

    If you are uploading a stand-alone WSDL file (a text file containing XML), set the MIME type to text/xml.

    If you are uploading a zip file containing multiple WSDL (and, optionally, XSD) files, set the MIME type to application/zip.

  3. (Optional) Select the Is Opaque checkbox if the content of the object is not readable by the registry (for example, if it is encrypted).

  4. Click the Select Content for Object Type button if you need to select an object type more specific than ExtrinsicObject.

    In the Extrinsic Object Classification Node Selector window, expand the nodes until you reach the appropriate concept within the ExtrinsicObject type. After you click OK, the Object Type window contains the type you selected.

  5. Click the Choose Repository Item File button to locate the repository item for the ExtrinsicObject.

    1. In the File Upload window, type the file path in the text field or click Browse.

    2. If you clicked Browse, use the file chooser window to navigate to the file, then click Open.

    3. In the File Upload window, click Upload File.

    4. Click OK.

    The following additional items appear in the Details panel:

    • A Content Version field (grayed out)

    • A Content Version Comment field, which you can fill in

    • A Remove Repository Item button

    • A View Repository Item Content link

  6. Execute Steps 8–10 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object.

Next Steps

After you create an ExtrinsicObject object that refers to a WSDL file, you can find it by using the WSDL Discovery Query. Also, if you use Basic Query to search for ExtrinsicObject objects of type WSDL, for Service objects, and for ServiceBinding objects, you will find that the Registry has created all the objects specified by the elements of the WSDL file: