Service Registry 3.1 User's Guide

Chapter 3 Publishing and Managing Registry Objects

The Create a New Registry Object menu item allows you to create objects and to publish the objects to the Registry. This chapter describes the following tasks:

Publishing Objects

    Publishing objects to the registry is a three-step process:

  1. Create the object.

  2. Add details and other objects, saving them to memory but not publishing them to the Registry.

  3. Publish the object to the Registry.

You can publish objects to the registry if you have created a user account and have logged in. To create a user account, follow the instructions in Creating a User Account.

The first task below describes the steps that you follow to create any new object. The sections that follow describe the additional steps required to publish particular kinds of objects.

You can create and publish any of the objects listed in Table 2–2, with the following exceptions:

This section describes the following tasks:

ProcedureTo Create and Publish a New Registry Object

  1. In the Tasks tab of the left menu area, click Create a New Registry Object.

  2. In the Registry Objects area, choose an object type from the combo box and click Add.

    A Details form for the object appears in the Details area.

  3. Type a name in the Name field.

  4. (Optional) Type a description in the Description field

  5. (Optional) Type a comment in the Version Comment field.

  6. (Optional) Replace the assigned Unique Identifier and Logical Unique Identifier with identifiers of your own choosing.

    Each identifier must be a valid URN and must be unique within your Registry installation.

  7. Enter data in the fields specific to the object type.

  8. Click Save to save the object in memory.

    Note –

    Make sure that you save the changes you make in any of the tab areas for the object before you move to another tab. If you do not save your work, it will be lost.

  9. (Optional) Use the tabs in the Details form to add and save composed objects.

  10. Click Apply to publish the object to the Registry.

    A status message appears, indicating whether the apply was successful.

Next Steps

Either before or after you publish the object, you can edit the object by adding composed objects to it. Table 2–4 lists the objects that you can add. Later sections describe how to add these objects.

ProcedureTo Create and Publish an AdhocQuery Object

An AdhocQuery object represents an ad hoc query expressed in a query syntax. AdhocQuery objects are used for discovery of registry objects. AdhocQuery objects are similar in purpose to the concept of stored procedures in relational databases. For example, the predefined queries in the Search panel are all AdhocQuery objects.

  1. Execute Steps 1–6 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object. In Step 2, select AdhocQuery.

  2. (Optional) Select a query type from the Query Type combo box.

    The default is SQL Query. Other supported query types are XQuery and ebXML Filter Query.

  3. Type the text of the query in the Query String field.

    For a SQL query, use pairs of single quotes to enclose items that you normally enclose in single quotes. These items are typically parameter placeholders and literals, when they occur in subqueries. For example, specify a parameter placeholder in a subquery as follows:

    (SELECT id FROM ClassificationNode WHERE path LIKE ''$objectTypePath'')

    Specify both a literal and a parameter placeholder as follows:

    ... AND ( = s.parent AND s.name_ = 
      AND s.value LIKE ''$nameSpacePattern'')
  4. Execute Steps 8–10 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object.

ProcedureTo Create and Publish a ClassificationNode Object

A ClassificationNode object represents a taxonomy element that has a structural relationship with other elements in an internal classification scheme. You can create a ClassificationNode object and then add it to a classification scheme, but it may be simpler to use the Concepts tab of the ClassificationScheme Details panel to create concepts.

  1. Execute Steps 1–6 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object. In Step 2, select ClassificationNode.

  2. Type a value for the ClassificationNode object in the Value field.

    The Classification Scheme, Parent Id, and Path fields are grayed out.

  3. Execute Steps 8–10 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object.

ProcedureTo Create and Publish a ClassificationScheme Object

A ClassificationScheme object represents a taxonomy used to classify objects. In an internal ClassificationScheme, all taxonomy elements are defined in the registry as Concept instances. In an external ClassificationScheme, the values are not defined in the registry as Concept instances but instead are referenced by their String representations.

  1. Execute Steps 1–6 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object. In Step 2, select ClassificationScheme.

    The External Classification Scheme checkbox is selected, to indicate that the scheme has no concepts. If you add concepts to the classification scheme, the checkbox will no longer be selected.

  2. Select a value from the Value Type combo box:

    • Unique. Indicates that each node of the taxonomy has a unique code assigned to it.

    • Embedded Path. Indicates that the unique code assigned to each node of the taxonomy also encodes its path.

    • Non-Unique. Indicates that nodes are not unique and that it is necessary to use the full path (from the ClassificationScheme to the node of interest) to identify the node.

    The default is Unique.

  3. Execute Steps 8–10 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object.

ProcedureTo Create and Publish an ExternalLink Object

An ExternalLink object provides a URI for content that resides outside the registry.

  1. Execute Steps 1–6 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object. In Step 2, select ExternalLink.

    The Object Type field contains the value ExternalLink.

  2. (Optional) Click the Select Concept for Object Type button to select an object type for the data referenced by the URI.

    In the Extrinsic Object Classification Node Selector window, expand the nodes until you reach the appropriate concept within the ExtrinsicObject type. After you click OK, the Object Type window contains the type you selected.

  3. Type the URI for the external link in the External URI field.

  4. Execute Steps 8–10 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object.

    Note –

    If you get an error when you try to save an ExternalLink object, it means that an administrative task needs to be performed. See Unable to Create ExternalLink or ServiceBinding for details.

ProcedureTo Create and Publish an ExtrinsicObject Object

An ExtrinsicObject provides metadata that describes content whose type is not intrinsically known to the registry and that therefore must be described by means of additional attributes, such as MIME type.

Use an ExtrinsicObject to publish files of various kinds. Most commonly, these are Web Services artifacts such as WSDL files.

The ebXML Registry Profile for Web Services is an OASIS standard that defines the ebXML Registry profile for publication, management, governance, discovery, and reuse of Web Services artifacts. By default, Service Registry implements this profile. In practice, this means that when you publish a WSDL file to the Registry as an ExtrinsicObject object, the Registry creates some standard metadata for the document, in effect creating the web service defined by the document. This feature is called WSDL cataloging.

To publish one or more WSDL files that have dependencies on each other or on other files (such as XSD files), create a zip file that contains all the files.

It is possible for an administrator to disable the WSDL cataloging feature. See Disabling the WSDL Cataloger in Service Registry 3.1 Administration Guide for details.

  1. Execute Steps 1–6 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object. In Step 2, select ExtrinsicObject or one of its subtypes.

    For example, to publish one or more WSDL files, select WSDL.

  2. (Optional) Type the MIME type of the object in the MimeType field. The type should be one of those listed in

    If you are uploading a stand-alone WSDL file (a text file containing XML), set the MIME type to text/xml.

    If you are uploading a zip file containing multiple WSDL (and, optionally, XSD) files, set the MIME type to application/zip.

  3. (Optional) Select the Is Opaque checkbox if the content of the object is not readable by the registry (for example, if it is encrypted).

  4. Click the Select Content for Object Type button if you need to select an object type more specific than ExtrinsicObject.

    In the Extrinsic Object Classification Node Selector window, expand the nodes until you reach the appropriate concept within the ExtrinsicObject type. After you click OK, the Object Type window contains the type you selected.

  5. Click the Choose Repository Item File button to locate the repository item for the ExtrinsicObject.

    1. In the File Upload window, type the file path in the text field or click Browse.

    2. If you clicked Browse, use the file chooser window to navigate to the file, then click Open.

    3. In the File Upload window, click Upload File.

    4. Click OK.

    The following additional items appear in the Details panel:

    • A Content Version field (grayed out)

    • A Content Version Comment field, which you can fill in

    • A Remove Repository Item button

    • A View Repository Item Content link

  6. Execute Steps 8–10 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object.

Next Steps

After you create an ExtrinsicObject object that refers to a WSDL file, you can find it by using the WSDL Discovery Query. Also, if you use Basic Query to search for ExtrinsicObject objects of type WSDL, for Service objects, and for ServiceBinding objects, you will find that the Registry has created all the objects specified by the elements of the WSDL file:

ProcedureTo Create and Publish a Federation Object

A Federation represents an affiliated group of registries. Its only attributes are the basic RegistryObject attributes. You must be an administrator in order to create a Federation object.

  1. Execute Steps 1–6 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object. In Step 2, select Federation.

  2. Execute Steps 8–10 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object.

  3. Add affiliated registries to the federation by following the steps in Creating Relationships Between Objects. The specific steps are as follows:

    1. Search for the federation, select its Pick checkbox, and click Bookmark.

    2. Search for the registry, select its Pick checkbox, and click Relate.

    3. In the Create Relationship area, select the federation as the source object. The registry becomes the target object.

    4. Set the AssociationType to HasFederationMember.

ProcedureTo Create and Publish an Organization Object

An Organization object provides information about an organization. It may have a parent, and may have one or more child organizations. It always has a User object as a primary contact, and may offer services by creating associations between the organization and one or more Service objects.

  1. Execute Steps 1–6 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object. In Step 2, select Organization.

  2. (Optional) Type values in the PostalAddresses fields.

  3. Execute Steps 8–10 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object.

    See the following sections for details on adding composed objects to an Organization object:

  4. To add a Service to an Organization, follow the steps in Creating Relationships Between Objects. The specific steps are as follows:

    1. Search for the organization, select its Pick checkbox, and click Bookmark.

    2. Search for the service, select its Pick checkbox, and click Relate.

    3. In the Create Relationship area, select the organization as the source object. The service becomes the target object.

    4. Set the AssociationType to OffersService.

ProcedureTo Create and Publish a Person or User Object

A Person or User object provides information about persons and registered users within the registry. Both kinds of objects have identical attributes. A User object is affiliated with an Organization object as the primary contact. User objects are also used in AuditableEvent objects to identify the requestor that sent the request that generated the AuditableEvent.

The recommended way to create User objects is through the User Registration Wizard. Use the Web Console to create Person objects whenever you want to create metadata about persons who will not themselves be accessing the registry.

If you want to be able to create more than one postal address, email address, or telephone number for the person, create a User object. The Web Console allows you to add postal addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers as composed objects for a User object, but not for a Person object.

  1. Execute Steps 1–6 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object. In Step 2, select Person or User.

  2. Type values in the Person Name fields.

    Specify a value for at least one of these fields.

    Do not use the Name field. The Web Console ignores any value you type in the Name field for a Person or User object.

  3. Add composed objects as described in the following sections:

  4. Execute Steps 8–10 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object.

ProcedureTo Create and Publish a Registry Object

A Registry object represents a registry. Its only attributes are the basic RegistryObject attributes. You must be an administrator in order to create a Registry object.

  1. Execute Steps 1–6 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object. In Step 2, select Registry.

  2. Execute Steps 8–10 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object.

Next Steps

See To Create and Publish a Federation Object for information on how to add the registry to a federation.

ProcedureTo Create and Publish a RegistryPackage Object

A RegistryPackage object represents a logical grouping of any number of registry objects.

  1. Execute Steps 1–6 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object. In Step 2, select RegistryPackage.

  2. Execute Steps 8–10 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object.

  3. To add objects to the package, follow the instructions in Adding Objects to a Registry Package.

ProcedureTo Create and Publish a Service Object

A Service object provides information on a service. It may contain one or more ServiceBinding objects, which represent technical information on how to access the service.

The most common way to publish a Service object is to publish an ExtrinsicObject object whose content consists of one or more WSDL files. For more information, see To Create and Publish an ExtrinsicObject Object.

  1. Execute Steps 1–6 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object. In Step 2, select Service.

  2. Execute Steps 8–10 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object.

  3. To add ServiceBinding objects to the service, follow the instructions in Adding a Service Binding to a Service.

  4. To add SpecificationLink objects to a ServiceBinding, follow the instructions in Adding a Specification Link to a Service Binding.

Adding a Classification to an Object

To create a classification, you use an internal classification scheme. An internal classification scheme contains a set of concepts whose values are known to the Registry.

ProcedureTo Add a Classification

To add a Classification to an object, search for the appropriate classification scheme, then choose a concept within that classification scheme.

  1. In the Details area for the object, click the Classifications button.

    The Classifications table, which can be empty, appears.

  2. Click Add.

    A Details Panel window opens.

  3. Type a name and, optionally, a description for the classification.

  4. Click the Select Classification Scheme or Concept button.

    A Classification Scheme/Node Selector window opens.

  5. Expand the ClassificationSchemes node. Then expand concept nodes until you have selected the leaf node that you want to use.

  6. Click OK to close the Classification Scheme/Node Selector window.

    The classification scheme, concept, and value appear in the Details Panel window.

  7. Click Save to save the new object and close the Details Panel window.

  8. Click Apply in the Details area for the object.

Adding an External Identifier to an Object

To create an external identifier, you use an external classification scheme. An external classification scheme has values that are not known to the Registry because the classification scheme has no concepts.

ProcedureTo Add an External Identifier

To add an external identifier to an object, search for the appropriate classification scheme, then specify a value.

  1. In the Details area for the object, click the External Identifiers tab.

    The External Identifiers table, which can be empty, appears.

  2. Click Add.

    A Details Panel window opens.

  3. Type a name and, optionally, a description for the external identifier.

  4. Click the Select ClassificationScheme button.

    A ClassificationScheme/Concept Selector window opens.

  5. Expand the ClassificationSchemes node, then select a classification scheme that has no concepts.

  6. Click OK to close the ClassificationScheme/Concept Selector window.

    The classification scheme appears in the Details Panel window.

  7. Type a value in the Value field.

  8. Click Save to save the new object and close the Details Panel window.

  9. Click Apply in the Details area for the object.

Adding an External Link to an Object

An external link allows you to associate a URI with a registry object.

ProcedureTo Add an External Link

  1. In the Details area for the object, click the External Links tab.

    The External Links table, which can be empty, appears.

  2. Click Add.

    A Details Panel window opens.

  3. Type a name for the external link.

  4. Type the URL for the external link in the External URI field.

  5. (Optional) Click the Select Concept for Object Type button if you want to specify the type of content to which the URL points.

    Expand the ClassificationSchemes node. Locate the content type by expanding the ObjectType, RegistryObject, and ExtrinsicObject nodes. Select the concept, then click OK. If you do not find a suitable type, click Cancel. You can create a new concept for ExtrinsicObjects if you want.

  6. Click Save to save the new object and close the Details Panel window.

  7. Click Apply in the Details area for the object.

Adding Custom Information to an Object Using Slots

A slot contains extra information that would otherwise not be stored in the Registry. Slots provide a way to add arbitrary attributes to objects.

ProcedureTo Add a Slot

  1. In the Details area for the object, click the Slots tab.

    The Slots table, which can be empty, appears.

  2. Click Add.

    A Details Panel window opens.

  3. Type a name for the Slot.

    The name is ordinarily a human-friendly URN.

  4. (Optional) Type a value in the Slot Type field. You can use this field to specify a data type for the slot or to provide a way to group slots together.

    The type is ordinarily the unique identifier value of a concept in the DataType classification scheme.

  5. Type a value in the Values field.

  6. Click Save to save the new object and close the Details Panel window.

  7. Click Apply in the Details area for the object.

Adding a Postal Address to an Organization or User

An Organization or User object can have one or more postal addresses.

ProcedureTo Add a Postal Address

  1. In the Details area for the Organization or User, click the Postal Addresses tab.

    The Postal Addresses table, which can be empty, appears.

  2. Click Add.

    A Details Panel window opens.

  3. Type values in the fields. All fields are optional.

    • Street Number

    • Street

    • City

    • State or Province

    • Country

    • Postal Code

  4. Click Save to save the new object and close the Details Panel window.

  5. Click Apply in the Details area for the object.

Adding a Telephone Number to an Organization or User

An Organization or User object can have one or more telephone numbers.

ProcedureTo Add a Telephone Number

  1. In the Details area for the Organization or User, click the Telephone Numbers tab.

    The Telephone Numbers table, which can be empty, appears.

  2. Click Add.

    A Details Panel window opens.

  3. Select a value from the Type combo box.

    The following values are available:

    • Beeper

    • FAX

    • Home Phone

    • Mobile Phone

    • Office Phone

  4. Type values in the fields. All fields are optional.

    • Country Code

    • Area Code

    • Phone Number

    • Extension

  5. Click Save to save the new object and close the Details Panel window.

  6. Click Apply in the Details area for the object.

Adding an Email Address to an Organization or User

An Organization or User object can have one or more email addresses.

ProcedureTo Add an Email Address

  1. In the Details area for the Organization or User, click the Email Addresses tab.

    The Email Addresses table, which can be empty, appears.

  2. Click Add.

    A Details Panel window opens.

  3. Select a value from the Type combo box: Home Email or Office Email.

  4. Type a value in the Email Address field.

  5. Click Save to save the new object and close the Details Panel window.

  6. Click Apply in the Details area for the object.

Adding a User to an Organization

An Organization object can have one or more users. One user is the primary contact, which is normally the user that created the organization. You can create and add additional users.

ProcedureTo Add a User

  1. In the Details area for the Organization, click the Users tab.

    The Users table appears.

  2. Click Add.

    A Details Panel window opens.

  3. (Optional) Type a description of the user in the Description field.

  4. In the First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name fields, type the first name, middle name, and surname of the user. Specify at least one of these fields.

    Use these fields instead of the Name field. The Web Console ignores any value you type in the Name field for a Person or User object.

  5. Click Save to save the new object and close the Details Panel window.

  6. Click Apply in the Details area for the object.

Adding a Child Organization to an Organization

An Organization can have one or more child organizations. To add a child organization to an Organization, follow these steps:

ProcedureTo Add a Child Organization

  1. In the Details area for the Organization, click the Organizations tab.

    The Organizations table appears.

  2. Click Add.

    A Details Panel window opens.

  3. In the Name field, type a name for the new organization.

  4. (Optional) Type a description in the Description field.

  5. (Optional) Type values in the address fields.

  6. Click Save to save the new object and close the Details Panel window.

  7. Click Apply in the Details area for the object.

Adding a Service Binding to a Service

A Service normally has one or more service bindings.

ProcedureTo Add a Service Binding

  1. In the Details area for the Service, click the Service Bindings tab.

    The Service Bindings table appears.

  2. Click Add.

    A Details Panel window opens.

  3. In the Name field, type a name for the service binding.

  4. (Optional) Type a description of the service binding in the Description field.

  5. In the Access URL field, type the URL for the service binding.

  6. (Optional) In the Target Binding field, type the unique identifier of another ServiceBinding object to which this service binding refers.

  7. Click Save to save the new object and close the Details Panel window.

  8. Click Apply in the Details area for the object.

Adding a Specification Link to a Service Binding

A ServiceBinding object can have a SpecificationLink object.

ProcedureTo Add a Specification Link

  1. In the Details area for the ServiceBinding, click the Specification Links tab.

    The Specification Links table appears.

  2. Click Add.

    A Details Panel window opens.

  3. In the Name field, type a name for the SpecificationLink.

  4. (Optional) Type a description of the SpecificationLink in the Description field.

  5. (Optional) In the Usage Description field, type a usage description for the usage parameters, if the SpecificationLink has usage parameters.

  6. (Optional) In the Usage Parameters field, type the usage parameters, if the SpecificationLink has usage parameters.

  7. In the Specification Object field, type the Unique Identifier of the ExtrinsicObject or ExternalLink object that represents the technical specification for the parent ServiceBinding (for example, a WSDL document).

  8. Click Save to save the new object and close the Details Panel window.

  9. Click Apply in the Details area for the object.

Adding a Child Concept to a Classification Scheme or Concept

A ClassificationScheme normally has numerous child concepts, which can also have child concepts.

ProcedureTo Add a Child Concept

  1. In the Details area for the ClassificationScheme, click the Concepts tab.

    The Concepts table appears.

  2. Click Add.

    A Details Panel window opens.

  3. In the Name field, type a name for the concept.

  4. (Optional) Type a description of the concept in the Description field.

  5. In the Value field, type a value for the concept.

  6. Click Save to save the new object and close the Details Panel window.

  7. Click Apply in the Details area for the object.

Adding Objects to a Registry Package

A RegistryPackage is an object that contains other registry objects. Typically, you use a RegistryPackage to group logically related objects. The objects can be of different types and can have different owners.

You add objects to a RegistryPackage by specifying their unique identifiers. If you try to type the unique identifiers, you are likely to make errors. Therefore, the following steps describe how to add objects by copying and pasting the identifiers.

ProcedureTo Add Objects to a Registry Package

  1. Create a RegistryPackage object as described in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object. Specify a name and, optionally, a description, but do not add any objects to the RegistryPackage at this time.

  2. After you click Apply to save the RegistryPackage, bookmark the RegistryPackage as described in To Use the Bookmark Feature.

  3. Use the Web Console to search for the objects you want to add to the RegistryPackage. Bookmark each object as you find it.

  4. Click the Details link for an object you want to add to the RegistryPackage.

  5. In the Details panel for the object, copy the Unique Identifier by using your keyboard (Control-C or the Copy key).

  6. In the Search Results area, click the Details link for the RegistryPackage.

  7. In the Details area for the object, click the Members tab.

  8. Click Add to Package.

  9. In the Unique Identifier field, use your keyboard to paste the identifier you copied (Control-V or the Paste key).

  10. Click Add.

    The object appears in the Registry Objects area.

  11. Click Apply in the Details area to save the RegistryPackage.

  12. Repeat steps 4 through 11 to add each additional object to the RegistryPackage.

Changing the Status of Objects

In addition to publishing, editing, and removing objects, you can perform the following actions on them if you are the owner or are otherwise authorized to do so:

These features are useful in a production environment if you want to establish a version control policy for registry objects. For example, you can approve a version of an object for general use, and you can deprecate an obsolete version before you remove it. If you change your mind after deprecating an object, you can undeprecate it.

The default status of a created object is Submitted.

You perform all these actions in the Search Results area or in the Details area for an object.

Note –

The Withdrawn status is set automatically on an ExtrinsicObject object when you remove its repository item. Do not set this status manually.

Removing Objects

To remove an object that you own from the Registry, select the object in the Search Results area and click the Delete button.

Note –

Do not delete the User object that was created for you when you performed user registration. If you delete this object, you can no longer perform any actions on objects that you published as that user, and you must perform user registration again in order to publish more objects.

Do not delete AuditableEvent objects for objects that you own. If you delete an AuditableEvent object, the audit trail for the object that it belongs to becomes corrupted. (AuditableEvent objects for objects that you own do not appear in the Search Results area if you do a FindAllMyObjects search, but they do appear if you perform a Basic Query for AuditableEvent objects.)

If the object is an extrinsic object, you have two choices:

The Deletion Options combo box is meaningful only for extrinsic objects.

Creating Relationships Between Objects

Objects can have two kinds of relationship: references and associations. Both kinds of relationship are unidirectional. That is, each relationship has a source object and a target object.

The Registry supports references, which are called ObjectRefs, between certain types of objects. For example, if you create a Service and a ServiceBinding, you can create a ServiceBinding reference from the Service to the ServiceBinding. However, you cannot create a reference from the ServiceBinding to the Service. A reference is not a registry object.

An Association is a registry object. You can create an Association from any registry object to any other. The Registry supports an AssociationType classification scheme that includes a number of predefined association types: OffersService, RelatedTo, HasMember, and so on. You can also create new association types. If you own both objects in the Association, the Association is an intramural association. If you do not own both objects, the Association is an extramural association. If you create an Organization and add a Service to it, an Association of type OffersService is automatically created from the Organization to the Service.

If no valid reference exists for the source and target objects, you cannot create a reference.

You use the Relate button in the Registry Objects area to relate two objects. This button becomes active when you select two objects in the search results table.

If the two objects are not both visible in the search results table, select the Pick checkbox to bookmark an object while you find the object to which you want to relate it. For details, see To Use the Bookmark Feature.

ProcedureTo Create a Reference

  1. In the Registry Objects area, select two objects and click Relate.

  2. In the Create Relationship area, select the source object if it is not already selected.

    The other object becomes the target object.

    If a valid reference exists for the source and target objects, the Reference option is selected by default, and the valid reference attribute appears. If no valid reference exists for the source and target objects, the Reference radio button is grayed out.

  3. Click Save to save the Reference.

ProcedureTo Create an Association

  1. In the Registry Objects area, select two objects and click Relate.

  2. In the Create Relationship area, select the source object if it is not already selected.

    The other object becomes the target object.

  3. Select the Association radio button, if it is not already selected.

  4. Type a name and, optionally, a description for the Association in the Details area.

    The source and target object ID values are already filled in.

  5. Choose a type value from the Association Type combo box.

  6. Click Apply to save the Association.