Service Registry 3.1 User's Guide

Removing Objects

To remove an object that you own from the Registry, select the object in the Search Results area and click the Delete button.

Note –

Do not delete the User object that was created for you when you performed user registration. If you delete this object, you can no longer perform any actions on objects that you published as that user, and you must perform user registration again in order to publish more objects.

Do not delete AuditableEvent objects for objects that you own. If you delete an AuditableEvent object, the audit trail for the object that it belongs to becomes corrupted. (AuditableEvent objects for objects that you own do not appear in the Search Results area if you do a FindAllMyObjects search, but they do appear if you perform a Basic Query for AuditableEvent objects.)

If the object is an extrinsic object, you have two choices:

The Deletion Options combo box is meaningful only for extrinsic objects.