Service Registry 3.1 User's Guide

ProcedureTo Create and Publish a Federation Object

A Federation represents an affiliated group of registries. Its only attributes are the basic RegistryObject attributes. You must be an administrator in order to create a Federation object.

  1. Execute Steps 1–6 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object. In Step 2, select Federation.

  2. Execute Steps 8–10 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object.

  3. Add affiliated registries to the federation by following the steps in Creating Relationships Between Objects. The specific steps are as follows:

    1. Search for the federation, select its Pick checkbox, and click Bookmark.

    2. Search for the registry, select its Pick checkbox, and click Relate.

    3. In the Create Relationship area, select the federation as the source object. The registry becomes the target object.

    4. Set the AssociationType to HasFederationMember.