Service Registry 3.1 User's Guide

Adding Custom Information to an Object Using Slots

A slot contains extra information that would otherwise not be stored in the Registry. Slots provide a way to add arbitrary attributes to objects.

ProcedureTo Add a Slot

  1. In the Details area for the object, click the Slots tab.

    The Slots table, which can be empty, appears.

  2. Click Add.

    A Details Panel window opens.

  3. Type a name for the Slot.

    The name is ordinarily a human-friendly URN.

  4. (Optional) Type a value in the Slot Type field. You can use this field to specify a data type for the slot or to provide a way to group slots together.

    The type is ordinarily the unique identifier value of a concept in the DataType classification scheme.

  5. Type a value in the Values field.

  6. Click Save to save the new object and close the Details Panel window.

  7. Click Apply in the Details area for the object.