Service Registry 3.1 User's Guide

ProcedureTo Create and Publish a Person or User Object

A Person or User object provides information about persons and registered users within the registry. Both kinds of objects have identical attributes. A User object is affiliated with an Organization object as the primary contact. User objects are also used in AuditableEvent objects to identify the requestor that sent the request that generated the AuditableEvent.

The recommended way to create User objects is through the User Registration Wizard. Use the Web Console to create Person objects whenever you want to create metadata about persons who will not themselves be accessing the registry.

If you want to be able to create more than one postal address, email address, or telephone number for the person, create a User object. The Web Console allows you to add postal addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers as composed objects for a User object, but not for a Person object.

  1. Execute Steps 1–6 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object. In Step 2, select Person or User.

  2. Type values in the Person Name fields.

    Specify a value for at least one of these fields.

    Do not use the Name field. The Web Console ignores any value you type in the Name field for a Person or User object.

  3. Add composed objects as described in the following sections:

  4. Execute Steps 8–10 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object.