Service Registry 3.1 User's Guide

ProcedureTo Create and Publish a Service Object

A Service object provides information on a service. It may contain one or more ServiceBinding objects, which represent technical information on how to access the service.

The most common way to publish a Service object is to publish an ExtrinsicObject object whose content consists of one or more WSDL files. For more information, see To Create and Publish an ExtrinsicObject Object.

  1. Execute Steps 1–6 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object. In Step 2, select Service.

  2. Execute Steps 8–10 in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object.

  3. To add ServiceBinding objects to the service, follow the instructions in Adding a Service Binding to a Service.

  4. To add SpecificationLink objects to a ServiceBinding, follow the instructions in Adding a Specification Link to a Service Binding.