Service Registry 3.1 User's Guide

Login Error from Mistake in Client Certificate Selection

If you have more than one client certificate loaded into your web browser, and you choose the wrong one when you try to log in to Service Registry, the login attempt fails. To correct this problem, clear your security session by following the instructions for your web browser.

    Follow these steps for the supported version of Firefox:

  1. Choose Tools->Options->Advanced->Certificates.

  2. In the Certificates dialog, under Client Certificate Selection, select Ask Every Time.

  3. Also in the Certificates dialog, click Manage Security Devices.

  4. In the Device Manager dialog, select Software Security Device and click Log Out.

  5. Click OK in the Device Manager dialog.

  6. Click OK in the Options dialog.

    Follow these steps for Mozilla and for older versions of Firefox:

  1. Choose Edit->Preferences->Privacy & Security->Certificates.

  2. In the Certificates dialog, under Client Certificate Selection, select Ask Every Time.

  3. Click Manage Security Devices.

  4. In the Device Manager dialog, select Software Security Device and click Log Out.

  5. Click OK in the Device Manager dialog.

  6. Click OK in the Preferences dialog.

If the problem occurs in Internet Explorer, consult the Internet Explorer documentation.