Service Registry 3.1 User's Guide

Chapter 4 Troubleshooting

This chapter describes solutions to some problems that you can encounter when using the Web Console.

See Known Issues and Bugs in Service Registry 3.1 Release Notes for details about other problems you might encounter, along with workarounds.

Unable to Access Service Registry

If you receive either an Error 404 or a “Connection refused” message when you try to use the Web Console, it is likely either that the Registry is not running or that you specified an incorrect URL.

Make sure that you specify http://hostname:6480/soar/. You might need to specify the domain in addition to the hostname: hostname.domain.

To make sure that the Registry is running, use the command-line or web interface to the Application Server domain for the Registry. For details, see Administering the Application Server Domain for Service Registry in Service Registry 3.1 Administration Guide.

Preferred Locale Is Not Used

If the Web Console is not using your preferred locale, check your web browser preference settings. Make sure the preferred locale is at the top of the list of locales. See Changing the Default Language for details.

Search Panel Labels Do Not Appear in Current Locale

If the Search Panel labels do not appear in the current locale after you change the locale and click Reset Locale, click End Session, then Return to Registry. See Changing the Default Language for information on changing the locale.

Unable to Create ExternalLink or ServiceBinding

You might get an error in one of the following situations:

The error message looks like this:

The URL: uri is not resolvable. 
Use Absolute Path Format [scheme:][//authority][path][?query][#fragment]

This error means that the administrative task described in Configuring the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for the Registry Domain in Service Registry 3.1 Administration Guide has not been performed. The Service Registry administrator for your site needs to perform this task and restart the Registry before you can create these objects.

Web Console Error Messages Are Not Clear

For clarification of the problem that is causing a Web Console error message, examine the server log for the Application Server domain for the registry. For details, see Administering the Application Server Domain for Service Registry in Service Registry 3.1 Administration Guide.

New Registry Object Cannot Be Saved

If you get an error message when you try to save a new object in the Registry:

Web Console Is Unresponsive

    If the Web Console becomes unresponsive, perform the following steps:

  1. Make a note of the error messages that appear.

  2. Clear the session cookie in your browser. To clear the cookie, find the cookie with the name JSESSIONID at the site where the Registry is running and remove it. If you are unsure, delete all cookies.

  3. Restart the Web Console as described in Starting the Web Console.

  4. Contact Registry Support and inform them of the error messages and of the steps that led to the error.

Login Error from Mistake in Client Certificate Selection

If you have more than one client certificate loaded into your web browser, and you choose the wrong one when you try to log in to Service Registry, the login attempt fails. To correct this problem, clear your security session by following the instructions for your web browser.

    Follow these steps for the supported version of Firefox:

  1. Choose Tools->Options->Advanced->Certificates.

  2. In the Certificates dialog, under Client Certificate Selection, select Ask Every Time.

  3. Also in the Certificates dialog, click Manage Security Devices.

  4. In the Device Manager dialog, select Software Security Device and click Log Out.

  5. Click OK in the Device Manager dialog.

  6. Click OK in the Options dialog.

    Follow these steps for Mozilla and for older versions of Firefox:

  1. Choose Edit->Preferences->Privacy & Security->Certificates.

  2. In the Certificates dialog, under Client Certificate Selection, select Ask Every Time.

  3. Click Manage Security Devices.

  4. In the Device Manager dialog, select Software Security Device and click Log Out.

  5. Click OK in the Device Manager dialog.

  6. Click OK in the Preferences dialog.

If the problem occurs in Internet Explorer, consult the Internet Explorer documentation.

Missing Content Error When Publishing WSDL File

You may see the following error message when you publish a WSDL file:

The following required content is missing from the submission: <filename>. Add this file to your zip file, and resubmit the request.

This error means that the Registry cannot find a file that your WSDL file depends on. You must submit a zip file that contains all the files (WSDL files, XSD files, and so on) that the WSDL file depends on. See To Create and Publish an ExtrinsicObject Object for details.