Service Registry 3.1 User's Guide

Viewing Search Results

Objects found by a search appear in the Registry Objects area.

The Registry Objects area consists of the following:

For ExtrinsicObject objects, the display has two additional columns: Content Version and Content Version Comment. These columns apply to the repository item for the ExtrinsicObject.

For two kinds of objects, the Version and Version Comment columns are replaced by other content:

ProcedureTo Use the Bookmark Feature

The Bookmark feature of the user interface allows you to hold one or more objects in the Registry Objects area while you search for other objects. You can then create a relationship between two objects. See Creating Relationships Between Objects for details on how to perform this task.

  1. Click Search and execute a query.

  2. In the Registry Objects area, select the Pick checkbox for the object or objects that you want to hold there and click the Bookmark button.

    The objects appear in a Bookmarked Objects area above the search results.

  3. Execute another query.

Next Steps

When you have finished using a bookmarked object, select the Pick checkbox for the object and click the Remove Bookmark button. The object is removed from the Bookmarked Objects area. If it was the only object in the Bookmarked Objects area, the Bookmarked Objects area disappears.