Service Registry 3.1 User's Guide

Viewing Object Details

In the search results table, click the Details link for an object to open the Details area immediately below the Registry Objects area.

This section has a row of buttons and a row of tabs:

Table 2–4 Attribute Tabs in the Details Area

Tab Name 

Applies To 

Object-Type Detail

All objects (Object-Type is the object type name)


All objects 


All objects 

External Identifiers 

All objects 


All objects 

External Links 

All objects 

Audit Trail 

All objects 

Postal Addresses 

Organization, User

Telephone Numbers 

Organization, User

Email Addresses 

Organization, User





Service Bindings 


Specification Links 



ClassificationScheme, ClassificationNode



Affected Objects 


Click a tab to find out if the object has any values for the attribute. If it does, click the Details link for the attribute value to open a browser window with the details for the attribute value.

The Associations tab produces a table with three links for each Association:

In the Source Object and Target Object columns, the type of the object whose associations you are viewing is shown in bold.

The Audit Trail tab does not produce a table with a Details link. Instead, this tab produces a table that contains the following information:

For most objects, the Details area fields are as follows:

For many objects, the fields are largely self-explanatory (the postal addresses for an Organization, for example). For some objects, the fields require some explanation. The following sections describe these fields.

Viewing Association Details

The Details area for an Association object contains the following additional fields:

Viewing Classification Scheme Details

The Details area for a ClassificationScheme object contains the following additional fields:

Viewing Extrinsic Object Details

The Details area for an ExtrinsicObject object contains the following additional fields:

Viewing External Link Details

The Details area for an ExternalLink object contains the following additional fields: