Service Registry 3.1 User's Guide

Using the Explore Tab

The Explore tab allows you to navigate through Registry and Repository content by using the metaphor of a hierarchy of file folders. The root folder, which is named registry, contains all Registry content.

ProcedureTo Use the Explore Tab

  1. Click the Explore link.

  2. Click the folder labeled registry. This folder contains two subfolders: userData, where all user content is placed, and ClassificationSchemes.

  3. Click a link to view the registry objects of that type. Click a folder or expand a node to view the object types at the next level.

ProcedureTo Explore the Classification Schemes

  1. Click the ClassificationSchemes folder to open the ClassificationSchemes tree hierarchy in the menu area.

  2. Click any link to view that classification scheme in the Registry Objects area.

  3. Click a classification scheme folder to see the Concepts beneath it.

    If the Concept icons are folders, they have subconcepts, and you can click the icons to expand them. If the Concept icons are files, they have no subconcepts.

    If the classification scheme folder is a file icon, the classification scheme does not have concepts that are viewable in the Explore area.

  4. Click a Concept link to view that concept in the Registry Objects area.

ProcedureTo Explore the UserData Folder

  1. Expand the userData node.

  2. Expand the RegistryObject node. Do not click the link unless you want to view all registry objects.

  3. Click a folder to view the registry objects of that type. Expand a node to view the object types at the next level.