Service Registry 3.1 User's Guide

ProcedureTo Add Objects to a Registry Package

  1. Create a RegistryPackage object as described in To Create and Publish a New Registry Object. Specify a name and, optionally, a description, but do not add any objects to the RegistryPackage at this time.

  2. After you click Apply to save the RegistryPackage, bookmark the RegistryPackage as described in To Use the Bookmark Feature.

  3. Use the Web Console to search for the objects you want to add to the RegistryPackage. Bookmark each object as you find it.

  4. Click the Details link for an object you want to add to the RegistryPackage.

  5. In the Details panel for the object, copy the Unique Identifier by using your keyboard (Control-C or the Copy key).

  6. In the Search Results area, click the Details link for the RegistryPackage.

  7. In the Details area for the object, click the Members tab.

  8. Click Add to Package.

  9. In the Unique Identifier field, use your keyboard to paste the identifier you copied (Control-V or the Paste key).

  10. Click Add.

    The object appears in the Registry Objects area.

  11. Click Apply in the Details area to save the RegistryPackage.

  12. Repeat steps 4 through 11 to add each additional object to the RegistryPackage.