Class AuthLoginException

  extended byjava.lang.Throwable
      extended byjava.lang.Exception
                  extended bycom.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
InvalidPasswordException, UserNamePasswordValidationException

public class AuthLoginException
implements com.sun.identity.common.L10NMessage

This class is for handling message localization in LoginException.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
AuthLoginException(java.lang.String message)
          Constructs a new AuthLoginException with the given message.
AuthLoginException(java.lang.String rbName, java.lang.String errorCode, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Constructs a new AuthLoginException without a nested Throwable.
AuthLoginException(java.lang.String rbName, java.lang.String errorCode, java.lang.Object[] args, java.lang.Throwable nestedException)
          Constructs an instance of AuthLoginException to pass the localized error message At this level, the locale of the caller is not known and it is not possible to throw localized error message at this level.
AuthLoginException(java.lang.Throwable nestedException)
          Constructs an AuthLoginException with given Throwable.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getErrorCode()
          Returns the error code.
 java.lang.String getL10NMessage(java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns the localized message of the given locale.
 java.lang.String getMessage()
          Gets messages of the exceptions including the nested exceptions.
 java.lang.Object[] getMessageArgs()
          Returns the error message arguments.
 java.lang.String getResourceBundleName()
          Returns the resource bundle name.
 void printStackTrace()
          Prints the stack trace of the root exception to standard error stream.
 void printStackTrace( ps)
          Prints the stack trace of the root exception to a PrintStream Also prints the messages of all the exceptions starting from top exception to the root exception, at the top of stack trace
 void printStackTrace( pw)
          Prints the stack trace of the root exception to a PrintWriter.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getStackTrace, initCause, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AuthLoginException(java.lang.Throwable nestedException)
Constructs an AuthLoginException with given Throwable.

nestedException - Exception nested in the new exception.


public AuthLoginException(java.lang.String message)
Constructs a new AuthLoginException with the given message.

message - message for this exception. This message can be later retrieved by getMessage() method.


public AuthLoginException(java.lang.String rbName,
                          java.lang.String errorCode,
                          java.lang.Object[] args,
                          java.lang.Throwable nestedException)
Constructs an instance of AuthLoginException to pass the localized error message At this level, the locale of the caller is not known and it is not possible to throw localized error message at this level. Instead this constructor provides Resource Bundle name and errorCode for correctly locating the error message. The default getMessage() will always return English messages only. This is consistent with current JRE.

rbName - Resource Bundle Name to be used for getting localized error message.
errorCode - Key to resource bundle. You can use
 ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBunde.getBundle (rbName,locale);
 String localizedStr = rb.getString(errorCode)
args - arguments to message. If it is not present pass them as null
nestedException - The nested Throwable.


public AuthLoginException(java.lang.String rbName,
                          java.lang.String errorCode,
                          java.lang.Object[] args)
Constructs a new AuthLoginException without a nested Throwable.

rbName - Resource Bundle Name to be used for getting localized error message.
errorCode - Key to resource bundle. You can use
 ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBunde.getBundle (rbName,locale);
 String localizedStr = rb.getString(errorCode)
args - arguments to message. If it is not present pass them as null
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getL10NMessage(java.util.Locale locale)
Returns the localized message of the given locale.

Specified by:
getL10NMessage in interface com.sun.identity.common.L10NMessage
locale - the locale in which the message will be returned.
String localized error message


public java.lang.String getResourceBundleName()
Returns the resource bundle name.

Specified by:
getResourceBundleName in interface com.sun.identity.common.L10NMessage
Resource Bundle Name associated with this error message.
See Also:


public java.lang.String getErrorCode()
Returns the error code.

Specified by:
getErrorCode in interface com.sun.identity.common.L10NMessage
Error code associated with this error message.


public java.lang.Object[] getMessageArgs()
Returns the error message arguments.

Specified by:
getMessageArgs in interface com.sun.identity.common.L10NMessage
arguments for formatting this error message. You need to use MessageFormat class to format the message. It can be null.


public java.lang.String getMessage()
Gets messages of the exceptions including the nested exceptions.

Specified by:
getMessage in interface com.sun.identity.common.L10NMessage
messages of the exceptions including nested exceptions. The returned string is formed by concatenating messages of all the exceptions, with a new line separator, starting from this exception, all the way to the root exception, by following the nested exceptions. The message returned is always in English locale. To get localized message, use the getL10NMessage(Locale) method.


public void printStackTrace()
Prints the stack trace of the root exception to standard error stream. Also prints the messages of all the exceptions starting from top exception to the root exception, at the top of stack trace


public void printStackTrace( pw)
Prints the stack trace of the root exception to a PrintWriter. Also prints the messages of all the exceptions starting from top exception to the root exception, at the top of stack trace

pw - PrintWriter to which to print the stack trace.


public void printStackTrace( ps)
Prints the stack trace of the root exception to a PrintStream Also prints the messages of all the exceptions starting from top exception to the root exception, at the top of stack trace

ps - PrintStream to which to print the stack trace

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