Class AttributeSchema.Syntax

Enclosing class:

public static class AttributeSchema.Syntax
extends java.lang.Object

The class Syntax defines the syntax of the schema attributes and provides static constants for these types. In other words, this class defines the primitive data types for the schema attributes.

Field Summary
static AttributeSchema.Syntax BOOLEAN
          The BOOLEAN attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is of boolean type, i.e., can have a value of either true or false
static AttributeSchema.Syntax DATE
          The DATE attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is of date type.
static AttributeSchema.Syntax DECIMAL
          The DECIMAL attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is a decimal value.
static AttributeSchema.Syntax DECIMAL_NUMBER
          The DECIMAL_NUMBER attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is a floating point number, e.g., 1.5, 3.56, etc.
static AttributeSchema.Syntax DECIMAL_RANGE
          The DECIMAL_RANGE attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is a decimal number within a range.
static AttributeSchema.Syntax DN
          The DN attribute syntax specifies that the attribute should be an LDAP distinguished name (DN).
static AttributeSchema.Syntax EMAIL
          The EMAIL attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is a email address.
static AttributeSchema.Syntax ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD
          The ENCRYPTED PASSWORD attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is of password type, will be used by UI to mask the password typed.
static AttributeSchema.Syntax NUMBER
          The NUMBER attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is a number.
static AttributeSchema.Syntax NUMBER_RANGE
          The NUMBER_RANGE attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is a number within a range.
static AttributeSchema.Syntax NUMERIC
          The NUMERIC attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is numeric, i.e., can have numbers only.
static AttributeSchema.Syntax PARAGRAPH
          The PARAGRAPH attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is of multi-lined text type.
static AttributeSchema.Syntax PASSWORD
          The PASSWORD attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is of password type, will be used by UI to mask the password typed.
static AttributeSchema.Syntax PERCENT
          The PERCENT attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is a percentage.
static AttributeSchema.Syntax STRING
          The STRING attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is of text type, i.e., can have any unicode characters.
static AttributeSchema.Syntax URL
          The URL attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is a URL.
static AttributeSchema.Syntax XML
          The XML attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is of XML type, i.e., can have any unicode characters.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object schemaAttrSyntax)
          Method to check if two schema attribute syntax are equal.
 int hashCode()
          Returns a hash code value for the object.
 java.lang.String toString()
          The method returns the string representation of the schema attribute syntax.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final AttributeSchema.Syntax BOOLEAN
The BOOLEAN attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is of boolean type, i.e., can have a value of either true or false


public static final AttributeSchema.Syntax EMAIL
The EMAIL attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is a email address.


public static final AttributeSchema.Syntax URL
The URL attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is a URL.


public static final AttributeSchema.Syntax STRING
The STRING attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is of text type, i.e., can have any unicode characters.


public static final AttributeSchema.Syntax PARAGRAPH
The PARAGRAPH attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is of multi-lined text type.


public static final AttributeSchema.Syntax XML
The XML attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is of XML type, i.e., can have any unicode characters.


public static final AttributeSchema.Syntax PASSWORD
The PASSWORD attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is of password type, will be used by UI to mask the password typed.


public static final AttributeSchema.Syntax ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD
The ENCRYPTED PASSWORD attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is of password type, will be used by UI to mask the password typed.


public static final AttributeSchema.Syntax DATE
The DATE attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is of date type.


public static final AttributeSchema.Syntax NUMERIC
The NUMERIC attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is numeric, i.e., can have numbers only.


public static final AttributeSchema.Syntax NUMBER
The NUMBER attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is a number.


public static final AttributeSchema.Syntax DECIMAL
The DECIMAL attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is a decimal value.


public static final AttributeSchema.Syntax PERCENT
The PERCENT attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is a percentage.


public static final AttributeSchema.Syntax NUMBER_RANGE
The NUMBER_RANGE attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is a number within a range.


public static final AttributeSchema.Syntax DECIMAL_RANGE
The DECIMAL_RANGE attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is a decimal number within a range.


public static final AttributeSchema.Syntax DECIMAL_NUMBER
The DECIMAL_NUMBER attribute syntax specifies that the attribute is a floating point number, e.g., 1.5, 3.56, etc.


public static final AttributeSchema.Syntax DN
The DN attribute syntax specifies that the attribute should be an LDAP distinguished name (DN).

Method Detail


public java.lang.String toString()
The method returns the string representation of the schema attribute syntax.

String string representation of schema attribute syntax


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object schemaAttrSyntax)
Method to check if two schema attribute syntax are equal.

schemaAttrSyntax - the reference object with which to compare
true if the objects are same; false otherwise


public int hashCode()
Returns a hash code value for the object.

a hash code value for the object

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