Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for UNIX

Surveying Existing Hosts

Before installation, it is important to know what resides on the hosts where you plan to install the Java ES software. If you have ordered a new Solaris system with Java ES software preloaded, you do not need to survey your host. However, if your existing hosts have versions of Java ES components already installed, you might need to upgrade or remove some software before running the Java ES installer for the new Java ES release.

This section contains the following subsections:

When Java ES Software Is Preloaded on Solaris OS

If you ordered a Sun Solaris hardware system with preloaded software, the installation image for the Java ES software has already been copied to your system. If Java ES software is preloaded on a host, the following directory exists:


The architecture variable indicates the system’s hardware architecture, such as, SPARC or x86.

You will need to expand the installation image and use the Java ES installer to install and configure the preloaded Java ES software as described in this manual. Some Java ES components are bundled with the Solaris OS and will be present on the host. In this case, the installer presents an option of upgrading these components. For more information, refer to How Upgrading Works.

Note –

If your preloaded Java ES software is on a Solaris 10 system, refer to Solaris 10 Zones Examples before expanding the installation image.

When Incompatible Components Are Installed

During installation, the installer verifies that any Java ES components that are already installed on the host are compatible with the release of Java ES you are installing. If some components are not compatible, your installation is likely to be interrupted by incompatibility error messages. Therefore, it is best to survey installed software and do any upgrading before actually installing the Java ES software.

When you run the installer, you can see which incompatible components are on your host. If you want to install Application Server, Message Queue, or HADB, you can let the installer upgrade these components. For other product components, you cannot use the installer to upgrade, but instead must remove or upgrade the incompatible components by following instructions in the Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Upgrade Guide for UNIX.

The Java ES installer upgrades or installs any shared components that are required for the product components you are installing.

You can use Solaris commands such as prodreg and pkginfo, the Linux rpm command, or the HP-UX swlist command to examine installed software. The following table lists the basic package command equivalencies for the UNIX platforms.

Table 1–2 UNIX Package Command Equivalencies





Show installed package 


rpm –qa


Install package 


rpm -i


Remove package 


rpm –e


You can also use the installer itself to examine package-based software installations as described in the procedures in this section.

Note –

Do not rely only on the Java ES installer for information about installed software. You must also perform an independent survey of the host to determine what software is currently installed.

ProcedureTo Provide Access to Your Local Display for the Graphical Installer

  1. Set your DISPLAY environment variable.

    If you are logging in to a remote host, make sure your DISPLAY environment variable is properly set to the local display. If the DISPLAY variable is not set properly, the installer runs in text-based mode.

    • Example for C Shell (host name myhost):

      setenv DISPLAY myhost:0.0
    • Example for Korn Shell (host name myhost):

  2. Grant display authorization.

    You might need to grant display authorization to run the installer on your local display. For example, you can use the following command to grant display authority from myhost to the root user on serverhost:

    myhost\> xauth extract - myhost:0.0|rsh -l root serverhost xauth merge -

    For full instructions on granting such authorization safely, refer to the “Manipulating Access to the Server” chapter in the Solaris X Window System Developer's Guide.

ProcedureTo Use the Installer for Identifying Upgrade Issues

  1. Start the installer using the -no option to indicate that no software is to be installed.

    For the graphical installer:

    ./installer -no

    For the text-based installer:

    ./installer -nodisplay -no
  2. Proceed to component selection.

  3. Select the product components you are planning to install on this host.

    The Status column indicates products that are required for the product components you have selected and what components are upgradable.

  4. If an incompatible version of a selectable product component is detected by the installer, you are prompted to upgrade or remove the incompatible version.

    In the case of Solaris bundled Application Server, Message Queue, and HADB, you can have the installer do the upgrading. For further information, refer to How Upgrading Works.

    After resolving the problem, you can refresh the selection list, make your selection, and then ask the installer to proceed.

  5. If an incompatible version of a shared component is detected by the installer, the Shared Component Upgrades Required list is displayed.

    For each shared component listed, review the Installed Version against the Required Version to determine if any upgrading will need to be done. You must determine whether the newer Java ES version of a shared component is compatible with other applications on the host that use that shared component.

  6. If necessary, exit the installer and do any upgrading necessary.

  7. Repeat the procedure for each host.

    Note –

    The installer detects the Directory Server version that is distributed with the Solaris OS and warns you that the Directory Server script belonging to the Solaris distribution will be renamed by the installer. No action is required.