Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Reference for UNIX

Application Server Configuration Information

The installer needs the following information for Application Server:

Application Server Administration Information

Table 3–19 Administration Information for Application Server

Label and State File Parameter 


Admin User Name 


User ID of the Application Server administrator. 

The default value is the Administrator User ID you provided under Common Server Settings.  

Note: If you chose to use a single administrator account, this field is not present. 



Password for the Application Server administrator. 

The default value is the Administrator Password you provided under Common Server Settings. Minimum of 8 characters.  

Note: If you chose to use a single administrator account, this field is not present. 

Note: In the Java ES installer, white space cannot be used in admin passwords, nor can the following symbols:  ; & ( ) ! | < > ' “ $ ^ \ # / , @ %

Admin Port 


Port on which Application Server’s administrative server listens for HTTPS connections. Provides access to the administration tools. 

The default value is 4849.

JMX Port 


Port on which Application Server listens for JMX connections.

The default value is 8686.

HTTP Server Port 


Port on which Application Server listens for HTTP connections. 

The default value is 8080. If the installer detects that the default port is used, an alternative value is suggested.



Port on which Application Server listens for HTTPS connections.

The default value is 8181.

Master Password 


SSL certificate database password, used for asadmin operations such as Domain Administration Server startup and Node Agent startup.

The default value is the Administrator Password you provided under Common Server Settings. Minimum of 8 characters. 

Application Server Node Agent Information

Table 3–20 Node Agent Information for Application Server

Label and State File Parameter 


Admin Host Name 


Host name for domain administration which the node agent can connect to. 

The default value is the name of local host, including domain. 

Admin User Name 


User ID of the Application Server admin user. 

The default value is the Administrator User ID you provided under Common Server Settings. 

Note: If you chose to use a single administrator account, this field is not present. 



Password for the Application Server admin user. 

There is no default value. 

Note: If you chose to use a single administrator account, this field is not present. 

Note: White space cannot be used in admin passwords, nor can the following symbols:  ; & ( ) ! | < > ' “ $ ^ \ # / , @ %

Master Password 


SSL certificate database password, used for asadmin operations such as Domain Administration Server startup and Node Agent startup.

The default value is the admin password you provided under Common Server Settings. 

Admin Port 


Port on which Application Server’s node agent listens for connections. Provides access to the administration tools. 

The default value is 4849.

Node Agent Name 


Name of the local node. 

The default value is the local host name. 

Application Server Load Balancing Plugin Information

Table 3–21 Load Balancing Plugin Information for Application Server

Label and State File Parameter 


Web server that the load balancing plugin will use 


Choice of Sun Java System Web Server or Apache Web Server. 

Note: HP-UX does not support Apache Web Server. 

The default value is Sun Java System Web Server.

Web server installation directory 


Installation directory for Web Server or Apache HTTP Server.  

The default value is: 

Solaris OS: /opt/SUNWwbsvr7

Linux and HP-UX: /opt/sun/webserver7

Web Server instance directory


Instance directory for Web Server or Apache HTTP Server.  

The default value is:  

Solaris OS: /var/opt/SUNWwbsvr7

Linux and HP-UX: /var/opt/sun/webserver7