Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows

Chapter 1 Preparing for Java ES Installation

This chapter provides information that will help you install the Sun Java Enterprise System (Java ES) software. Before starting the tasks documented in this guide, you should have already planned your installation according to the Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Planning Guide. You should also be familiar with the reference material associated with Java ES installation in Appendix B, Default Directories and Ports.

This chapter contains the following sections:

How the Java ES Installer Works

Sun Java Enterprise System (Java ES) integrates a number of Sun server-side products into a system that provides the server software needed to support distributed enterprise applications. In this document, these products are referred to as the Java ES product components. A single installer is provided for installing the Java ES product components and shared components in various combinations. Because of the complex interrelationships of these components, installation requires much more preinstallation and postinstallation effort than is required to install a single Java ES component.

Note –

Portal Server on Windows can only be used as an evaluation platform or a developer platform. It can not be used as a deployment platform. Do not use Java ES installer for Windows to install Portal Server 7.1. Use the Zipinstaller to install Portal Server. The ReadMe file provided with the installer has information on how to install Portal Server. Acess the Installer from

The Zipinstaller provides you a pre-configured image of Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Update 1. You can get a working copy of Portal Server simply by unzipping the contents of this file.

Java ES Components Used in This Release

ThisJava ES software release includes the following selectable Java ES components. The abbreviated names used in this guide follow the name and version.

To see the full list of services and subcomponents as displayed in the Java ES installer, refer to Appendix A, Java ES Components for This Release. This appendix also lists the shared components that are provided with this release.

Installer Modes

The Java ES Windows installer uses the Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) framework to install Java ES system on your host. You can install the Java ES software interactively or by means of a reusable script.

Language Selection

The Java ES installer enables you to install multilingual packages for Java ES. The following languages are available:

By default, the installer automatically installs Java ES in English language.

Setup Types

The Java ES installer enables you to select one of the following setup types:

Configuration Types and Parameter Settings

Many Java ES components require some degree of installation-time configurationdepening on which Java ES components you select and which installation type you choose.

The following configuration types are available in the installer:

Depending on which configuration option you select, you might be required to provide the administrator ID and password during installation. For example, most of the components require you to specify an administrator user ID and password. By setting these common values, you are setting default values for all component administrator user IDs and passwords.

Note –

During Multi-Session installation of Java ES Components, the configuration mode, Configure Automatically during Install or Configure Manually After Installation, selected in first session install is taken as default in next successive sessions without prompting for configuration selection mode screen.

Dependency Check

Many Java ES components depend on the presence of other components to provide their core functions. The installer does extensive cross checking of Java ES components to verify that the components you select during installation will function properly together. For this reason, the installer might prompt you to include certain Java ES components as you make your component selections.

The Java ES installer uses the following rules for handling dependencies among the Java ES components:


A Java ES component is upgraded by performing a fresh installation of the component by using the Java ES installer. Perform a fresh installation by first removing the previous version's packages and installing Release 5 in the same path. Alternatively, you can install Release 5 in a parallel path, leaving the previous version intact.

In either case must reconfigure the component by migrating the previous version's configuration data to the new installation, performing a new configuration, or doing a combination of both. For some Java ES components an utility is provided for reconfiguring or migrating configuration data for the component.

Java ES 5 Windows installer does not support in-place upgrade of previous versions of the components. Instead, the installer supports coexistence with Java ES 4. After installing Java ES 5, you need to follow the upgrade procedure described in the Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows to upgrade Java ES components. Upgrade scenarios for individual components are described in the respective upgrade guides.

When Java ES 5 installation is attempted, the installer first detects the presence of Java ES 4 on the system. On successful detection, the installer checks for pre-existing Java ES 4 shared components in the Windows SYSTEM directory, because these components cause incompatibility issues with Java ES 5. If any of the shared components are being used by Java ES 4 services, you are prompted to stop the running Java ES 4 services.

In addition, the installer automatically renames the Java ES 4 shared components. The renaming information is stored in the installer log file. If you need to start any of the Java ES 4 services, you should restore the names of shared components manually.

Note –

Java ES 4 and Java ES 5 servers cannot be started simultaneously.

Installation Logs

During the course of installation or uninstallation, log records are generated for the operations that occur. These records are saved into a single file located at %Temp%\SUNJavaES.log.


The configuration for all the products are removed before they are uninstalled. The scripts used to remove the configuration are a part of the uninstallation program. You can uninstall the Java ES system by choosing Start>Settings>Control Panel>Add/Remove Programsor by running the uninstall program in Silent mode.

Determining Whether Your Hosts Are Ready

Before you start the installer, review the issues in this section.

System Requirements

Before you install Java ES, ensure that the hosts in your system meet the minimum hardware and operating system requirements. For the latest information on the supported platforms and software and hardware requirements, refer to “Hardware and Software Requirements” in the Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Release Notes for Microsoft Windows.

If the operating system found on the host does not satisfy Java ES recommendations, the installer cannot proceed. You must resolve this problem before installation.

Access Privileges

To install the Java ES software, you must be logged in as an administrator or as a user with administrator privileges. A privileged user is a part of local administration group. Users in nested groups are not considered privileged users. For example, a user from a group, which is a part of the administration group, is not considered a privileged user.

Memory and Disk Space Requirements

To run the Java ES installer, you need 500 Mbyte of disk space in the Windows system drive and 1.5 Gbyte in the destination drive.

The installer runs a check to determine whether your host has sufficient memory and disk space for the components you selected.

Verifying General Installation Prerequisites

The following table lists the tasks that you should perform before beginning any type of installation. The left column lists the order in which you should perform the tasks and the right column contains the location of instructions and other useful information. Not all tasks are required for all installations.

Table 1–1 Preinstallation Checklist


Instructions and Helpful Information 

1. Plan your Java ES installation. 

Refer to the Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Planning Guide.

2. Determine that a valid version of Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SETM) for Java ES is installed on your machine.

If the installer does not find J2SE 1.5_09 or later on the machine, the installer installs J2SE in the C:\Java directory.

3. Determine whether any release noted issues affect your installation. 

Before performing any of the procedures described in the Installation Guide, you should read the Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Release Notes for Microsoft Windows. These notes contain installation issues that might pertain to your deployment.

4. Verify that system requirements are met. 

Refer to Determining Whether Your Hosts Are Ready.

5. Determine whether an installation sequence example can be used. 

Refer to Chapter 2, Example Installation Sequences.

6. If you are installing Java ES components that depend on servers or services that are already installed, ensure that the existing servers and services are accessible. 

For example, if you are installing a Portal Server Secure Remote Access subcomponent, the Secure Remote Access core must be running and accessible. 

7. Ensure that the drive you are using is an NTFS drive. 

To install Java ES on a Windows operating system, the installation drive should be an NTFS drive. 

8. Stop firewall services. 

If there are any firewall running on your host system, disable and stop firewall services and restart you host system. Make sure that the firewall services are disabled after restart.  

Once the installation of Java ES 5 is complete, you can restart these stopped firewall services. 

Windows Distribution Bundles

The following table lists the distribution bundles for Java ES software:

Table 1–2 Windows Distribution Bundles

Distribution Bundle 

Contents Included 

Bundle Name 

Windows platform 

All Java ES components and shared components 



Application Server Suite 

Access Manager 

Application Server 

Directory Server 


Java DB 

Message Queue 

Portal Server 

Portal Server Secure Remote Access 

Service Registry 

Monitoring Console 

Web Proxy Server 

Web Server 

All shared components 



Access Manager Suite 

Access Manager 

Application Server 

Directory Server EE (includes Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server) 


Java DB 

Message Queue 

Monitoring Console 

Web Server 

All shared components 



Web Server Suite 

Access Manager 

Application Server 

Directory Server EE (includes Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server) 


Java DB 

Message Queue 

Monitoring Console 

Service Registry 

Web Proxy Server 

Web Server 

All shared components 



Obtaining the Java ES Software

You can obtain the Java ES software in the following ways: