Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows

ProcedureTo Configure Application Server After a Configure Manually After Installation Operation

  1. Locate the accessory DVD for Application Server.

    Accessory contents can also be downloaded from the Sun Download Center at

  2. Refer to the README file in the Addon folder on the DVD and follow the procedures detailed there.

  3. Modify the ApplicationServer-base\samples\ file.

    Modify the following properties in the file. If you do not know the paths for some properties, you can copy them from the ApplicationServer-base \config\asenv.conf file.

    • com.sun.aas.derbyRoot=JavaDB-base

    • com.sun.aas.webServicesLib=ApplicationServer-base/lib

    • com.sun.aas.imqHome=ApplicationServer-base/domains/domain1/imq

    • com.sun.aas.imqBinDir=MessageQueue-base/bin

    • com.sun.aas.imqUserMgr=MessageQueue-base/bin/imqusermgr

    • com.sun.aas.imqLib=MessageQueue-base/lib

    • com.sun.aas.installRoot=ApplicationServer-base

    • com.sun.aas.javaRoot=J2SE-base


    • #admin.password=

      The admin password is not saved as the default. You can type the password and save it manually.


    • appserver.instance=server

      By default the value of appserver.instance is AppServer1. Replace AppServer1 with server. For more information, see bug id 6485254.

    • appserver.instance.port=8080

    • admin.user=admin

    • admin.port=4849

    • derby.port=1527


    • server.cert.alias=s1as

    • keystore=${}/${}/config/keystore.jks

    • keystore.password=changeit

    • trustStore=${}/${}/config/cacerts.jks

    Note –

    To configure Application Server for load balancing, refer to the “Configuring Web Servers for HTTP Load Balancing” section in the Chapter 5, Configuring HTTP Load Balancing, in Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2 High Availability Administration Guide.