Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows

Starting and Stopping Application Server

Application Server depends on Message Queue to function. If you have selected the start servers option in the Finish page of Java ES installer, the Application Server is started automatically after installation.

You can also start and stop the Application Server by accessing the .bat file in the bin folder of the Application Server installation directory.

ProcedureTo Start an Application Server Domain

  1. Change to the ApplicationServer-base\bin directory.

  2. Start the Application Server Domain.

    asadmin.bat start-domain --user admin-user-ID --passwordfile passwordFileName domain-name

    For example, type the following command to start domain1 with admin-user-ID admin and passwordFileName passfile:

    asadmin.bat start-domain --user admin --passwordfile passfile domain1

ProcedureTo Stop an Application Server Domain

  1. Change to the ApplicationServer-base\bin directory.

  2. Stop the Application Server Domain:

    asadmin.bat stop-domain domainName

ProcedureTo Start an Application Server Agent

  1. Change to the ApplicationServer-base\bin directory.

  2. Start the Application Server Agent:

    asadmin.bat start-node-agent --port admin-Port --user admin-user-ID --password admin-password node-agent--name

ProcedureTo Stop an Application Server Agent

  1. Change to the ApplicationServer-base\bin directory.

  2. Start the Application Server Agent:

    asadmin.bat stop-node-agent node-agent-name