Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows

Starting and Stopping Directory Server

By default, the Directory Serveris started when you complete your installation.

You can also start and stop the Directory Server by accessing the dsadm.exe file in the bin folder of the Directory Server installation directory.

ProcedureTo Start the Directory Server

  1. Change to the DirectoryServer-base\ds6\bin directory.

    cd DirectoryServer-base\ds6\bin

  2. Start the Directory Server instance.

    dsadm.exe start instance-path

    For example, type the following command to start the Directory Server instance.

    dsadm.exe start C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\var\DSInstance

ProcedureTo Stop the Directory Server

  1. Change to the DirectoryServer-base\ds6\bin directory.

    cd DirectoryServer-base\ds6\bin

  2. Stop the Directory Server instance.

    dsadm.exe stop instance-path