Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows

ProcedureTo Configure Host A: Example Sequence

    Check the installation sequence guidelines.

    Check which guidelines apply to this example and make adjustments as needed. Refer to Table 2–1.

    Check the installation prerequisites.

    Check which tasks you might need to perform for this installation before starting. Refer to Table 1–1.

    Run the Java ES installer.

    Accept licence agreement and select the destination folder for installation.

    Choose the type of installation, select Custom.

    Select the Configure Automatically During Installation or Configure Manually After Installation type.

    For post installation configuration information, see Chapter 5, Completing Postinstallation Configuration.

    At component selection, choose Access Manager, Directory Server, and web container.

    Resolve incompatibilities.

    The installer verifies software on your host and provides guidance if incompatibilities are identified.

    Type administrator user name and password.

    Run the installation.

    View the Installation Summary and Log.

    Verify that the Directory Server and web container are installed and running.

    Access the default Access Manager login page.
