Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows

Directory Server Postinstallation Configuration

After a Configure manually after installation operation, the packages are installed and you are ready to perform the configuration tasks for Directory Server.

ProcedureTo Configure Directory Server After a Configure Manually After Installation Operation

  1. Change to the DirectoryServer-base\ds6\bin directory.

    cd DirectoryServer-base\ds6\bin

  2. Create a Directory Server instance.

    dsadm.exe create -p port-no -P ssl-port-no instance-path

  3. Start the instance.

    dsadm.exe start instance-path

  4. Create a root suffix with corresponding domain components.

    dsconf.exe create-suffix --unsecured -p port-no root-suffix

Procedure To Configure Directory Service Control Center (DSCC) After a Configure Manually After Installation Operation

  1. Change to the DirectoryServer-base\ds6\bin directory.

    cd DirectoryServer-base\ds6\bin

  2. Run dsccsetup.exe.