Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Technical Reference

Default Display Profile Settings

The provider responsible for generating FrameTabContainer channel is JSPTabContainerProvider. The provider profile is the template which decides the properties for a container channel, but the container channel profile will ultimately decide the values for the container channel attributes. The properties that make up FrameTabContainer work as follows:


Set to frametab.jsp. This draws the Content Page for the frame container.


Set to frametabedit.jsp. This displays the Edit page for the frame container where new pages can be added, or existing pages removed or renamed.


Sets the page that opens first on the Desktop as MyFrontPageFramePanelContainer.


Allows four pages to be created. As, by default, there are two pages, two more can be added.


Specifies JSPFrameCustomTableContainerProvider as the provider to create a new page on the Desktop.


Specifies that a number is appended to a newly created page as the channel name. This number is increased each time a new page is created, so that the new page will have unique name. For example, to create a new page based on MyFrontPageFramePanelContainer in FrameTabContainer, the new page channel name would be FrameTabContainer/MyFrontPageFramePanelContainer1. (The new page name is actually the channelName property in the display profile plus the value of channelNumber property. The channelNumber property value is incremented by one each time a new page is created.)


Specifies JSPContentContainer as the content channel that provides the Content page displaying channels to add to a user-created page.


This collection has entries for each of the four containers that are available in the FrameTabContainer.


This list describes all available channels for this container. The available channels are displayed in the content preference page for users to select from.


This list describes selected channels for this container. Only selected channels shows up in the Desktop.