Sun Java System Portal Server Mobile Access 7.1 Administration Guide

Accessing Portal Server Software

This section describes the following ways of accessing Portal Server software:

Using a Voice Service Provider

Call the number assigned by the service provider to your account.

If your software is correctly configured, you will hear the following dialog. Speak (or key in) the account number and PIN assigned to your Portal Server account.


This is Voice Portal, by Sun.

Please say or key in your account number.


415 555 5940


Got it.

And what s your PIN?




Hello, John. You’re signed in.

Here are the portal channels you can choose from: Personal Notes, Notes.

You can also say add a channel.

Which would you like?

Using a Phone

To access Portal Server software by phone, simply dial the number assigned to the voice server by your telecommunications service provider.

Using Session Initiation Protocol

If you are using a SIP software phone, you must specify the SIP address of your Voice Server software (not Portal Server software). Use the following URL format:


Where vws means “access the Nuance Voice Web Server service” on the server named, and 5060 is the port that Nuance Voice Web Server is listening on for SIP connection requests.

Using Native Audio

If you have configured the Nuance Voice Web Server for native audio, start it using the Nuance vws command. The server starts and immediately accesses Portal Server software.