Sun Java System Reference Configuration Series: Portal Service on Application Server Cluster

ProcedureTo Enable Multimaster Replication

The steps for enabling replication on both Directory Server instances are performed only on ds1.

  1. Enable multimaster replication for the dc=pstest,dc=com suffix on ds1.

    # cd /opt/SUNWdsee/ds6/bin

    # ./dsconf enable-repl -h ds1 -p 389 -i -d 1 master dc=pstest,dc=com

    When prompted, type the directory-admin-password.

  2. Enable multimaster replication for the dc=pstest,dc=com suffix on ds2.

    # ./dsconf enable-repl -h ds2 -p 389 -i –d 2 master dc=pstest,dc=com

    When prompted, type the directory-admin-password.