Sun Java System Reference Configuration Series: Portal Service on Application Server Cluster

ProcedureTo Create Replication Agreements

The steps for creating replication agreements between the Directory Server instances are performed only on ds1.

  1. Create a replication agreement between ds1 and ds2 for the dc=pstest,dc=com suffix.

    # ./dsconf create-repl-agmt -i -h ds1 -p 389 dc=pstest,dc=com ds2:389

    When prompted, type the directory-admin-password.

  2. Create a replication agreement between ds2 and ds1 for the dc=pstest,dc=com suffix.

    # ./dsconf create-repl-agmt -i -h ds2 -p 389 dc=pstest,dc=com ds1:389

    When prompted, type the directory-admin-password.