Sun Java System Reference Configuration Series: Portal Service on Application Server Cluster

ProcedureTo Replicate Directory Data

  1. Copy data from ds1 to ds2 by running the following command on ds1:

    # ./dsconf init-repl-dest -i -h ds1 -p 389 dc=pstest,dc=com ds2:389

    When prompted, type the directory-admin-password.

    The response should resemble the following:

    Started initialization of “ds2:389”; MMM DD YYYY HH:MM:SS
    Sent 644 entries...
    Sent 1229 entries...
    Sent 2170 entries...
    Sent 2965 entries...
    Sent 3463 entries...
    Sent 3902 entries...
    Sent 4361 entries...
    Sent 4362 entries...
    Completed initialization of “ds2:389; MMM DD YYYY HH:MM:SS