Sun Java System Reference Configuration Series: Portal Service on Application Server Cluster

ProcedureTo Provision Multiple Portal Service Users

The following procedure provisions a Developer Sample user, dsuser1, using an XML input file to first create a user entry and then another input file to specify portal services for the user entry. Multiple users can be created by using this same procedure.

  1. Create a new user entry for dsuser1.

    1. Create an XML file that specifies the basic user attributes.

      An example CreateUserRequest.xml file follows:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
          Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved
          Use is subject to license terms.
       <!DOCTYPE Requests
          PUBLIC "-//iPlanet//Sun Java System Access Manager 2005Q4 Admin CLI DTD//EN"
      <!--  CREATE REQUESTS -->
      <PeopleContainerRequests DN="ou=People,o=DeveloperSample,dc=pstest,dc=com">
           <CreateUser createDN="dsuser1">
                    <Attribute name="cn"/>
                    <Attribute name="sn"/>
                    <Attribute name="userPassword"/>
    2. Run the amadmin command with CreateUserRequest.xml as an input file.

      # /opt/SUNWam/bin/amadmin -u amadmin -w password -t CreateUserRequest.xml

      The output should resemble the following:

      PeopleContainer: ou=People,o=DeveloperSample,dc=pstest,dc=com
      Create Users:
      Success 0: Successfully completed.
  2. Add portal services to the dsuser1 entry.

    1. Create an XML file that specifies the portal services to add.

      An example AddUserServeice.xml file follows:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
          Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved
          Use is subject to license terms.
      <!DOCTYPE Requests
          PUBLIC "-//iPlanet//Sun Java System Access Manager 2005Q4 Admin CLI DTD//EN"
      <!--  USER REQUESTS -->
         <UserRequests DN="uid=dsuser1,ou=People,o=DeveloperSample,dc=pstest,dc=com">
                 <Service_Name>sunportalnetletservice </Service_Name>
                 <Service_Name>sunportalproxyletservice </Service_Name>
                 <Service_Name>sunportalgatewayaccessservice </Service_Name>
                 <Service_Name>sunportalportal1desktopservice </Service_Name>
                 <Service_Name>iplanet-am-auth-configuration-service </Service_Name>

      This input file adds the following portal services:

      • Proxylet

      • Access List

      • portal Desktop

      • Authentication Configuration

      • Netlet

    2. Run the amadmin command with AddeUserServices.xml as an input file.

      # /opt/SUNWam/bin/amadmin -u amadmin -w password -t AddUserServices.xml

      The output should resemble the following:

      User: uid=dsuser1,ou=People,o=DeveloperSample,dc=pstest,dc=com
      Registered services:
      Success 0: Successfully completed.