Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.2 Reference

Format of an Access Log Message

An access log message has this format:

timestamp - category - severity - connectionNumber operationNumber
  messageID operationType messageText

Example 23–2 shows an extract of an access log. The log shows a client request that starts with a message in the CONNECT category and ends with a message in the DISCONNECT category. The operation requested by the client is shown by the message in the OPERATION category, and results in several messages in the SERVER_OP category. The logged messages have the INFO and DEBUG severity.

Example 23–2 Extract of an Access Log

[07/17/2005:17:29:45 +0200] - CONNECT    - INFO  - conn=1591031 
  client= server= protocol=LDAP
[07/17/2005:17:29:45 +0200] - OPERATION  - INFO  - conn=1591031 op=0 
  msgid=1 SEARCH base="o=movie" scope=2 filter="(objectClass=*)"
[07/17/2005:17:29:45 +0200] - SERVER_OP  - INFO  - conn=1591031 op=0 
  SEARCH base="o=movie" scope=2 filter="(objectClass=*)" 
  s_msgid=318022 s_authzid="" s_conn=39
[07/17/2005:17:29:45 +0200] - SERVER_OP  - INFO  - conn=1591031 op=0 
  SEARCH base="o=movie" scope=2 filter="(objectClass=*)" s_msgid=316902 
  s_authzid="" s_conn=76
[07/17/2005:17:29:45 +0200] - SERVER_OP  - INFO  - conn=1591031 op=0 
  SEARCH RESPONSE err=0 msg="" nentries=4 s_conn=76
[07/17/2005:17:29:45 +0200] - SERVER_OP  - DEBUG - Global status code = 0
[07/17/2005:17:29:45 +0200] - SERVER_OP  - INFO  - conn=1591031 op=0 
  SEARCH RESPONSE err=0 msg="" nentries=11 s_conn=39
[07/17/2005:17:29:45 +0200] - SERVER_OP  - DEBUG - Global status code = 0
[07/17/2005:17:29:45 +0200] - OPERATION  - INFO  - conn=1591031 op=0 
  SEARCH RESPONSE err=0 msg="" nentries=22
[07/17/2005:17:29:45 +0200] - OPERATION  - INFO  - conn=1591031 op=1 
[07/17/2005:17:29:45 +0200] - DISCONNECT - INFO  - conn=1591031 