Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

Netlet Usage Scenario

The following sequence of events are involved in using Netlet:

  1. The remote user logs into the Portal Server desktop.

  2. If a static Netlet rule has been defined for a user, role or organization, the Netlet applet is automatically downloaded to the remote client.

    If a dynamic rule has been defined for a user, role, or organization, the user needs to configure the required application in the Netlet provider. The Netlet applet is downloaded when the user clicks on the application link in the Netlet provider. See Defining Netlet Rules for details on static and dynamic rules.

  3. Netlet listens on the local ports defined in the Netlet rules.

  4. Netlet sets up a channel between the remote client and host over the ports specified in the Netlet rule.