Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

HTML After Rewriting

Rewriting starts
<script language="javascript">
function Check(test,ind){
if (ind == \qblur\q)
{alert("testing onBlur")}
if (ind == \qfocus\q)
{alert("testing onFocus")}
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=blur onAbort="Check
(\qgateway URL/portal-server-URL/indexblur.html\q,\qblur\q);return;">
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=blur onBlur="Check
(\qgateway URL/portal-server-URL/indexblur.html\q,\qblur\q);return;">
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onFocus="Check
(\qgateway URL/portal-server-URL/focus.html\q,\qfocus\q);return;">
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onChange="Check
(\qgateway URL/portal-server-URL/focus.html\q,\qfocus\q);return;">
<input TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20 value=focus onClick="Check
(\qgateway URL/portal-server-URL/focus.html\q,\qblur\q);return;">

// All the statements are rewritten in this sample. The Gateway and Portal Server URLs are prefixed in each case. This is because rules for onAbort, onBlur, onFocus, onChange, and onClick are defined in the default_gateway_ruleset file. Rewriter detects the JavaScript tokens and passes it to the JavaScript function rules for further processing. The second rule listed in the sample tells Rewriter which parameter to rewrite.


Rewriting ends
