Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide


Security lists the Gateway service security attributes.

Table A–4 Gateway Service Security Attributes


Default Value 


Enable HTTP Basic Authentication 


Saves the username and password so that users need not re-enter their credentials when they revisit BASIC-protected web sites. 

Non-authenticated URLs 









Specifies URLs that do not need any authentication, such as directories that contain images. 

Certificate-enabled Gateway hosts 


Lists the certificate-enabled Gateway hosts. 

Allow 40-bit Encryption 


Allows 40-bit (weak) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connections. If you do not select this option, only 128-bit connections are supported. 

Enable SSL Version 2.0 


Enables SSL version 2.0. 

Disabling SSL 2.0 means that browsers that support only the older SSL 2.0 cannot authenticate to SRA.This ensures a greater level of security. 

Enable SSL Cipher Selection 


Enables SSL cipher selection. You have the option of to support all the pre-packaged ciphers, or you can select the required ciphers individually. You can select specific SSL ciphers for each Gateway instance. 

SSL2 Ciphers 


Lists the SSL version 2 ciphers you can choose. 

SSL3 Ciphers 


Lists the SSL version 3 ciphers you can choose. 

TLS Ciphers 


Lists the TLS ciphers. 

Enable SSL Version 3.0 


Enables SSL version 3.0. 

Disabling SSL 3.0 means that browsers that support only the SSL 3.0 cannot authenticate to SRA. This ensures a greater level of security. 

Enable Null Ciphers 


Enables null ciphers. 

Trusted SSL Domains 


Lists the trusted SSL domains. 

Mark Cookies as secure 


Marks cookies as secure. The Enable Cookie Management option must be enabled.