Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Run Netlet After a Rule is Added

After this rule is added, the user must complete some steps to get Netlet running as expected. The user needs to do the following on the client side:

  1. Click Edit in the Netlet provider section of the standard Portal Server desktop.

    The new Netlet rule is listed under Rule Name in the Add New Target section.

  2. Choose the rule name and type the name of the destination host.

  3. Save the changes.

    The user returns to the desktop with the new link visible in the Netlet provider section.

  4. Click the new link.

    A new browser is launched that goes to the URL given in the Netlet rule.

    Note –

    You can add more than one destination host for the same rule by repeating these steps. Only the last link selected is active.