Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Configure the Host Preferences

  1. Log onto the Portal Server administration console as administrator.

  2. Select the Secure Remote Access tab and select the Netfile tab.

  3. Select a DN for a user or an organization from Select DN list or add a DN.

  4. By default, users are allowed to access all the hosts through NetFile because of the * entry in the Allow/Deny hosts list. If you want to change that, remove the * entry and specify only those hosts to which users need to have access through NetFile, in this list. Alternatively, you can keep the * entry here, and specify the hosts to which you want to deny access in the Denied Hosts list. In that case, all the hosts except the ones specified in the Denied Hosts list are allowed access.

    Note –

    If you deny access to a host, and a user has already added this host in the NetFile window, the denied host continues to be displayed in the NetFile window of the user. But the user is not be able to carry out any operations on the host. In NetFile Java2, denied hosts, if displayed in the application, are marked with a red cross to indicate that they are inaccessible. If both the Allowed Hosts and Denied Hosts lists are blank, access is not allowed to any host.

  5. Click Save to complete.