Sun Java System Portal Server Secure Remote Access 7.2 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Configure the Access Privileges

  1. Log onto the Portal Server administration console as administrator.

  2. Select the Secure Remote Access tab and select the Netfile tab.

  3. Select a DN for a user or an organization from Select DN list or add a DN.

  4. Click Access Privilege and modify the following attributes:

    Attribute Name 


    Access to Windows Hosts 

    Select the Allow checkbox to ensure that users have access to Windows Hosts. 

    By default, the Allow checkbox is selected. 

    Access to FTP Hosts 

    Select the Allow checkbox to ensure that users have access to FTP Hosts. 

    Access to NFS Hosts 

    Select the Allow checkbox to ensure that users have access to NFS Hosts. 

    Access to Netware Hosts 

    Select the Allow checkbox to ensure that users have access to Netware Hosts. 

  5. Click Save to complete.