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Sun[TM] Identity Manager 8.0 Installation Guide 


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Chapter 1   Before You Install
Supported Software and Environments
Memory Requirements
Setup Task Flow
Prerequisite Tasks
Decide Where to Store Index Repository Files
Using a Staging Directory
Using a Web Application Directory
Set Up a Java Virtual Machine and Java Compiler
Set Up an Index Database
About the Sample Database Scripts
Setting Up MySQL
Setting Up Oracle
Setting Up DB2
Setting Up SQL Server
Set Up a Service Provider Transaction Database
Globalization Configuration
What's Next?

Chapter 2   Installing Identity Manager for Sun Application Server
Before You Begin
Installation Steps
Step 1: Install the Sun Application Server Software
Step 2: Install the Identity Manager Software
Getting More Information
Step 3. Deploy Identity Manager into Sun Application Server
Step 4: Edit the server.policy File on Application Server
Step 5. Install the Sun Identity Manager Gateway

Chapter 3   Installing Identity Manager for Tomcat
Before You Begin
Installation Steps
Step 1: Install the Tomcat Software
Installing on Windows
Installing on UNIX
Step 2: Install the Identity Manager Software
Getting More Information
Step 3: Install the Sun Identity Manager Gateway

Chapter 4   Installing Identity Manager for WebLogic
Before You Begin
Installation Procedures
Step 1: Configure the WebLogic Software
Step 2: Install the Identity Manager Software
Getting More Information
Step 3: Deploy the Application
Step 4: Add the Application Main Page to Default Documents for IIS (optional)
Step 5: Install the Sun Identity Manager Gateway

Chapter 5   Installing Identity Manager for WebSphere
Before You Begin
Installation Steps
Step 1: Prepare the Application Server
Step 2: Install the Identity Manager Software
Step 3: Configure the Application Server
Step 4: Install the Sun Identity Manager Gateway

Chapter 6   Installing Identity Manager for JBoss
Before You Begin
Installation Steps
Step 1: Install the JBoss Software
Step 2: Install the Identity Manager Software
Step 3: Install the Sun Identity Manager Gateway

Chapter 7   Installing Identity Manager for Oracle Application Server 10g
Before You Begin
Installation Steps
Step 1: Install the Oracle Application Server Software
Step 2: Install the Identity Manager Software
Getting More Information
Step 3. Deploy Identity Manager into Oracle Application Server
Step 4. Install the Sun Identity Manager Gateway

Chapter 8   Install the Sun Identity Manager Gateway
Failure Messages
What’s Next?

Chapter 9   Getting Started
Enabling Language Support
Deploying Identity Manager for Mac OS X
Modify the File
Customize MultiSelect Components for the User Interface
Use Safari Enhancer for the Administrator Interface
Setting the lh Environment
Help and More Information

Chapter 10   Uninstalling Applications
Remove the Software
On Windows
Remove the Application Database

Chapter 11   Installing Identity Manager Manually
Installation Steps
Step 1: Install the Application Server software
Step 2: Install the Application Software
On Windows
Before You Continue
Step 3: Configure the Identity Manager Index Database Connection
Windows or Xwindows (UNIX) Environments
Non-Xwindows Environments
Step 4: Install the Sun Identity Manager Gateway

Appendix A   Index Database Reference
Appendix B   Configuring Data Sources for Identity Manager
Configuring a WebSphere Data Source for Identity Manager
Servlet 2.3 Data Sources
Configuring a JDBC Provider
Configuring a WebSphere JDBC Data Source
Configure the Authentication Data
Configure the Data Source
Configure the Data Source in a Websphere Cluster
Point the Identity Manager Repository to the Data Source
Specifying Additional JNDI Properties to the setRepo Command
Configuring a WebLogic Data Source for Identity Manager
Create a WebLogic Data Source
Create a Connection Pool
Create a JDBC Data Source
Point the Identity Manager Repository to the Data Source
Configuring a Sun Application Server Data Source for Identity Manager
Configuring a JBoss Data Source for Identity Manager
Create the Data Source
Point Identity Manager to the Data Source
Configuring an Oracle Application Server Data Source for Identity Manager
Create an Oracle Application Server Data Source
Create a Connection Pool
Create a JDBC Data Source
Point the Identity Manager Repository to the Data Source

Appendix C   Changing the Database Repository Password
When Identity Manager Stores the Password
When the DataSource Stores the Password

Appendix D   setRepo Reference

Appendix E   DBMS Recovery and the Repository
Recovering the Repository
redo Logs


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Part No: 820-2956-10.   Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.