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Sun ONE Identity Synchronization for Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 7
Removing the Software

This section contains procedures for removing Identity Synchronization for Windows in the following sections:

Planning for Uninstallation

Before removing the software keep in mind the following points:

Uninstalling on Windows NT Platforms

Execute the following steps on each NT primary domain controller in your Identity Synchronization for Windows deployment.

Uninstalling NT Subcomponents

  1. Use the runUninstaller.bat script on the desired NT Server. Find it in the isw-hostname directory.
  2. At the Welcome screen press Next.
  3. Select Windows NT Subcomponent to uninstall and press next.
  4. Enter the Sun ONE Directory Server URL, administrator’s name, and password.
  5. A summary window appears, listing all components to removed. Review the listing and press Back to make changes. Press Uninstall Now to remove the listed components.
  6. Press Next to perform further uninstallation related tasks.
  7. A summary window appears. Press Details to see the uninstallation log. Press Close to exit the program.
  8. Reboot the NT system.

Uninstalling the NT Connector

  1. Run the runUninstaller.bat script on the same NT Server. Find it in the isw-hostname directory.
  2. At the Welcome screen press Next.
  3. Select Core/Connectors and select the NT Connectors to uninstall.
  4. Enter the Sun ONE Directory Server URL, administrator’s name, and password.
  5. A summary window appears, listing all components to removed. Review the listing and press Back to make changes. Press Uninstall Now to remove the listed components.
  6. Press Next to perform further uninstallation related tasks.
  7. A summary window appears. Press Details to see the uninstallation log. Press Close to exit the program.
  8. When Prompted, Reboot the NT system.
  9. Repeat all steps Uninstalling NT Subcomponents and Uninstalling the NT Connector on each NT server in your network.

  10. Note

    If you are unable to run the connector uninstaller for a given connector for any reason (for example, if you lost the connector files during a hard drive failure), use the resetconn command.

    This command resets the connector state in the Configuration Registry (CR) to uninstalled so that you can reinstall it elsewhere. resetconn is similar to other commands that access the CR, and it provides two options:

    • -e <name of directory source>: Specifies the name of the directory source to be reset. (Connectors are identified in the installers by their directory source name.)
    • -n (safe mode): Indicates whether the arguments specified for the command are correct without doing any work.

    Example command:

    idsync resetconn -h host -p 389 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w secret -s dc=central,dc=example,dc=com -q secret2 -e dc=central,dc=example,dc=com

    resetconn Output:

    NOTICE: This program will reset the installation state to UNINSTALLED for the Connector associated with the specified DirectorySource ’dc=central,dc=example,dc=com’.

    Changing the Connector to an UNINSTALLED state is a last resort. This is NOT meant to be used for uninstalling connectors. It is typically used if you lost a machine with the connector on it and can not run the uninstaller. Additionally, this program will rewrite the existing configuration. This can be a lengthy process. Before proceeding, you should stop the console, any running installers, and all other system processes. You may want to export the ou=Services tree in the Configuration Registry to ldif as a backup.

    Do you want to reset the installer settings for the connector (y/n)?

Uninstalling on Solaris and Windows 2000

Your Solaris or Windows 2000 system may contain any or all of the following Identity Synchronization for Windows components:

Use (Solaris) or runUninstaller.bat (Windows) to remove all connectors and subcomponents and then remove core (if installed). This section contains:

Uninstalling Directory Subcomponent (plugin)

  1. Start the runUninstaller program. Find it in the isw-hostname directory.
  2. At the Welcome screen press Next.
  3. Select Sun ONE Directory Server Plugin and press next.
  4. Enter the Sun ONE Directory Server URL, administrator’s name, and password.
  5. A summary window appears, listing all components to be removed. Review the listing and press Back to make changes. Press Uninstall Now to remove the listed components.
  6. Press Next to perform further uninstallation related tasks.
  7. When prompted restart the Directory Server where the plugin subcomponent was installed.
  8. A summary window appears. Press Details to see the uninstallation log. Press Close to exit the program.
  9. If the Directory Server subcomponent is the only Identity Synchronization for Windows component installed on the target host, then you can delete the isw-hostname folder.
  10. Repeat Step 1 through Step 8 for each Directory Server Plugin subcomponent installed on a Windows 2000 server in your network.

Uninstalling Connectors

  1. Start the runUninstaller program. Find it in the isw-hostname directory.
  2. At the Welcome screen press Next.
  3. Select Core and Connectors to uninstall and press next.
  4. Enter the configuration directory URL, press Fetch Root Suffixes, and select the appropriate root suffix from the drop-down menu.
  5. Enter the administrator’s name and password for the configuration directory.
  6. Select the connector(s) to be uninstalled.

  7. Note

    The selected connectors must be present on the target host.

  8. A summary window appears, listing all components to removed. Review the listing and press Back to make changes. Press Uninstall Now to remove the listed components.
  9. Press Next to perform further uninstallation related tasks.
  10. A summary window appears. Press Details to see the uninstallation log. Press Close to exit the program.
  11. If there are no other installed on the target host, then you can safely remove the isw-hostname folder.
  12. Repeat Step 1 through Step 10 for all hosts where connectors are installed.

Uninstalling Core

  1. Start the runUninstaller program on the host where you have Identity Synchronization for Windows Core installed. Find it in the isw-hostname directory.
  2. At the Welcome screen press Next.
  3. Select Core and Connectors to uninstall and press next.
  4. Enter the configuration directory URL, press Fetch Root Suffixes, and select the appropriate root suffix from the drop-down menu.
  5. Enter the administrator’s name and password for the configuration directory.
  6. Select Core to be uninstalled.
  7. A summary window appears, listing all components to removed. Review the listing and press Back to make changes. Press Uninstall Now to remove the listed components.
  8. Press Next to perform further uninstallation related tasks.
  9. A summary window appears. Press Details to see the uninstallation log. Press Close to exit the program.
  10. Delete the isw-hostname folder.

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