Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 Administration Guide

Administration Guide Revision Changes from Version 12 to 14

These are Administration Guide changes from 819-4428-12 to 819-4428-14. < > angle bracketed words indicate deleted text with replaced by words immediately following. [ ] bracketed words indicated new text. Note that only one change was between 12 and 13, and that was the addition of this Revision Guide History.

Chapter 3, Configuring High Availability

4.5.1 Automatic Restart in High Availability Deployments

Chapter 4, Configuring General Messaging Capabilities

Table 4–5, entry for local.autorestart.timeout <fails more than twice> fails more than once

4.12 Email Security Concerns

Added this new section which talks about disabling XADR, XCIR, XGEN, and XSTA.

Chapter 9, MTA Address Translation and Routing Delivery Options Processing

In the example: <=$M%$\\> [=$M%$\]

Chapter 10, About MTA Services and Configuration

8.7 The Job Controller

Added new information about setting MAX_MESSAGES.

Chapter 12, Configuring Channel Definitions

Table 12–21.s

smtp (This keyword is equivalent to <smtp_crorlf> smtp_crlf.) Channel Protocol Selection and Line Terminators

<The keyword smtp_crlf means that lines must be terminated with a carriage return (CR) line feed (LF) sequence. The keyword smtp_lf or smtp means that an LF without a preceding CR is accepted. Finally, smtp_cr means that a CR is accepted without a following LF. These option affect only the handling of incoming material.>

[The keyword smtp_crlf or smtp means that lines must be terminated with a carriage return (CR) line feed (LF) sequence. The keyword smtp_lf means that an LF without a preceding CR is accepted as well as the standard CRLF sequence. The keyword smtp_cr means that a CR is accepted without a following LF. Finally, smtp_crorlf means that any of CR, LF, or the standard CRLF sequence are allowed as the SMTP line terminator. These option affect only the handling of incoming material.]

12.6.14 Handling Personal Names in Address Header Lines

Added: If the PERSONAL_NAMES mapping table returns 8-bit characters, they are UTF-8 encoded.

Chapter 13, Using Predefined Channels

13.5 The Conversion Channel

Rewrote a number of small sections to make clearer. This in response to bug 4902284.

Chapter 14, Integrating Spam and Virus Filtering Programs Into Messaging Server

14.2.3 Specifying Actions to Perform on Spam Messages

Table 14–1, MTA Spam Filter Options. Rewrote spamfilterX_final

14.9 Cloudmark Anti-Abuse Client

Mentioned support for Cloudmark anti-spam solution.

14.7 Support for Sieve Extensions

Added that spamadjust and spamtest can be also be used with Brightmail.

Chapter 16, LMTP Delivery

16.5.1 To Configure Back End Stores with LMTP and a Minimal MTA

tcp_lmtpss lmtp [flagtransfer]

Chapter 18, Mail Filtering and Access Control

18.3 Access Control Mapping Table Flags

Table 18–2 — Enhanced description of $X.

Chapter 20, Managing the Message Store

Wherever hashdir was recommended as the command to use for finding the directory containing a specified folder, mboxutil -lxp pattern was recommended instead.

20.2.1 Valid UIDs and Folder Names

Rewrote this section and renamed it to Valid UIDs and Folder Names.

Chapter 26, Troubleshooting the MTA

26.2.7 Starting and Stopping Individual Channels

Added the following:

NOTE - The command imsimta qm start/stop channel may fail if run simultaneously for many channels at the same time. The tool might have trouble updating the hold_list and could report: QM-E-NOTSTOPPED, unable to stop the channel; cannot update the hold list." imsimta qm start/stop channel should only be used sequentially with a few seconds interval between each run.

If you only want the channel to run between certain hours, use the following options in the channel definition section in the job controller configuration file:


Appendix C, Short Message Service (SMS)

C.2.5.2 Message Body Entries

< These entries establish mappings to be applied to . . .> Text removed. Body mappings are not supported.