Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 Administration Guide

Administration Guide Revision Changes from Version 14 to 15

These are Administration Guide changes from 819-4428-14 to 819-4428-15. < > angle bracketed words indicate deleted text with replaced by words immediately following. [ ] bracketed words indicated new text.

Chapter 1, Post-install Tasks and Layout

To Run the Configure Program

In this section, added the following note regarding Solaris 10 at the end of the discussion of adding the FQDN in the etc/hosts/ and related files:

Note –

On Solaris OS 10 U3 and earlier platforms, you not only have to add the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) to the /etc/hosts file, but also to the/etc/inet/ipnodes file. Otherwise, you will get an error indicating that your host name is not a Fully Qualified Domain Name. From Solaris OS 10U4 onwards, the contents of the /etc/inet/ipnodes and /etc/hosts files have been merged together into just the/etc/hosts file. Applying kernel patch 120011-14 on any Solaris 10 system will also perform the merge, and subsequent removal of the/etc/inet/ipnodes file.

New level 2 section: 1.10.1 Java Message Queue (JMQ) Tuning.

Chapter 11, Configuring Rewrite Rules

Added the following paragraph to 11.4.2. Repeated Rewrites Template, A%B: [Note, however, that while the special A%B form does cause rewriting of the current domain to restart, it is actually just a continuation of the current rewriting process. It does not rewrite the entire process from the beginning. It does not perform the $* pattern when it goes through the second time.]

Chapter 12, Configuring Channel Definitions

Removed immnourgent

12.4.1 Configuring SMTP Channel Options

Added the following paragraph: <SMTP channel options that pertain to a destination channel should be placed in the appropriate channel option file (that is, tcp_local_option, tcp_auth_option, tcp_intranet_option). SMTP channel option files that pertain to a source channel MUST be placed in the tcp_local_option file since all messages come into the MTA via the tcp_local channel before any channel switching takes place for incoming messages.>

Chapter 14, Integrating Spam and Virus Filtering Programs Into Messaging Server

Removed references to the SOCKS_USERNAME and SOCKS_PASSWORD options from the book. The references appeared in the following sections in Chapter 14:

14.4.7 SpamAssassin Options

14.5.5 SAVSE Options

14.6.5 ClamAV Options

To Deploy Milter

Chapter 16, LMTP Delivery

Removed all references and instructions regarding the LMTP native channel.

Chapter 18, Mail Filtering and Access Control

Processing Control ($C, $L, $R, $E)

Rewrote this section.

Table 18–3

Changed description of $T text to the following: If bit 1 (value 2) of the LOG_CONNECTION MTA option is set and the $N flag is set so that the connection is rejected, then $T outputs the entire right hand side text in a "T" record. The T log entry will include the entire mapping result string ($N and its string). In contrast, bit 4 of LOG_CONNECTION is a different effect: it will cause material after two vertical bars to be included in normal "C" (connection close) records.

18.3.4 PORT_ACCESS Mapping Table

Added a new table. Fixed other table.

18.3.5 IP_ACCESS Mapping Table


18.4 When Access Controls Are Applied

Added new information at the bottom of this section about when access control mapping tables are applied.

18.7.4 To Use DNS Lookups Including RBL Checking for SMTP Relay Blocking

Fixed some errors in the code and added new text added regarding the PORT_ACCESS table being probed both by the dispatcher, when accepting connections, and by the tcp_smtp_server process under certain circumstances.

Chapter 19, Throttling Incoming Connections Using MeterMaid

New note added to the bottom of 19.3 Configutil Parameters for MeterMaid

Chapter 20, Managing the Message Store

Globally replaced moveuser with MoveUser. Note capitalization.

To Add an Email Group to a Shared Folder

readership -s user/gregk/<tennis>gardening lrp

Table 20–9

<Age of message in days before being expunged. (integer)>Number of days in the message store before being expunged. (integer) IMAP Events Become Slow

Brand new section.

Expiration Rules Guidelines

Added new material to the Note: This is still true, but expire rules using header constraints (example: expiring a message with a specific subject line) are not supported. <Also, regular expressions in the expire rules created with configutil need to be POSIX compliant rules. If you want to use UNIX compliant regular expressions you will have to use the store.expire file. In addition, using both configutil options and the global store.expirerule configuration file is not supported. If the configuration file is present, configutil options are not used.> In any case, it is best to use store.expirerule to specify all expiration rules.

20.11.4 To Monitor Quota Limits

Removed imquotacheck -i. No longer valid.

20.10.2 To Move Mailboxes to a Different Disk Partition

<Make sure user is disconnected from their mailbox during the migration process . . .> The user does not have to be disconnected from their mailbox during this migration process.

20.12.8 Troubleshooting Backup and Restore Problems and To Migrate User Mailboxes from One Messaging Server to Another While Online

Added the following text: When imsrestore or any processing intensive operation takes significantly more system resources than normal, and continues doing so longer than the msprobe interval, there may be a temporary backlog of DB transaction log files to be cleared. If there are more files than specified in, then msprobe may erroneously restart all the processes during a restore. To prevent this from happening, disable msprobe during the imsrestore. Reduced Message Store Performance

Added this section, which basically cross-references Tuning the mboxlist Database Cache

To Move Mailboxes Using an IMAP client

In step 2, changed < to enable> to [Set] to yes]

To Move Mailboxes Using the MoveUser Command

In step 2, changed < to enable> to [Set] to yes]

To Move Mailboxes Using the imsimport Command

In step 2, changed < to enable> to [Set] to yes]

Chapter 23, Configuring Security and Access Control

23.7 Configuring Client Access to POP, IMAP, and HTTP Services

Discussed the LDAP method of configuring client access. Added cross-references to the LDAP attributes mailAllowedServiceAccess in Sun Java Communications Suite 5 Schema Reference and mailDomainAllowedServiceAccess in Sun Java Communications Suite 5 Schema Reference

Chapter 24, Administering S/MIME for Communications Express Mail

24.1 What is S/MIME?

Rewrote this section.