Sun Java System Communications Express 6.3 Customization Guide

The Mailbox Tool Bar

This section describes how to modify the mailbox tool bar shown in Figure 5–1.

Figure 5–1 Mailbox Tool Bar

Figure showing Communications Express mailbox toolbar.

You can modify the following on the mailbox tool bar:

Customizing the Mailbox Tool Bar

To modify the mailbox tool bar, edit the appropriate files as follows:

The function getToolbar() in mbox_fs_lr.jsp handles tool clicks and performs the following tasks:

Example: Mailbox Tool Bar Modifications

Example 5–1 shows the necessary edits to be made in the file mbox_fs_lr.jsp to :

Example 5–1 Altered Tool Bar Layout ( mbox_fs_lr.jsp )

function getToolbar() {
+ '" onclick="Reset()"></span>'+
        nWMtoolbar(i18n['search'], 'srch()',
        nWMtoolbar(i18n['compose'], 'main.compose(\'new\')',
          'compose', 'imx/LrlNewMsg_wo_1.gif') +
        nWMtoolbar(i18n['get mail'], SpecialMboxURL('INBOX'),
          'getmail', 'imx/LrlGetMail_wo_1.gif')+
        nWMtoolbar(i18n["collect long"], 'main.collect()',
          'collect', 'imx/LrlColExtMail_wo_1.gif')

Functionally, the getToolbar() function links the “Collect External Mail” hyperlink to collect() in main.js. Example 5–2 shows how such linking is done.

Example 5–2 shows the necessary changes to be made in file en/i18n.js (text)

Example 5–2 Altering Tool Bar Text (en/i18n.js)

i18n[’get mail’] = ’Get Messages