Sun Java System Calendar Server 6.3 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Configure the Secondary Node

  1. Switch to the secondary node.

    Using the Sun Cluster command line interface, switch to the secondary node. For example, the following command switches the resource group to the secondary (failover) node, Node2:

    scswitch -z -g CAL-RG -h Node2
  2. Create a symbolic link from the Calendar Server config directory to the config directory of the Shared File System.

    For example, perform the following commands:

    # pwd
    # ln -s /share-disk-dir/config .  

    Note –

    Do not forget the dot (.) at the end of the ln command.

  3. Configure Calendar Server on the secondary node using the state file from the primary node configuration.

    Share the configuration of the primary node by running the state file created when you ran the configuration program.

    For example, run the following command:

    # /cal-svr-base/sbin/ -nodisplay -noconsole -novalidate

    Check that all the tasks passed as with the first time you ran the configuration program.

  4. Edit the Configuration File (ics.conf)

    Edit the ics.conf file by adding the following parameters to the end of the file. The logical hostname of the calendar resource is LOG-HOST-RS.

    Note –

    Back up your ics.conf file before performing this step.

    ! The following are the changes for making Calendar Server
    ! Highly Available
  5. Create the Calendar Server resource group and enable it.

    For this example, the resource group name is CAL-SVR-RS. You will also be required to supply the logical host resource name and the HAStoragePlus resource name.

    ./scrgadm -a -j CAL-SVR-RS -g CAL-RG 
         -t SUNW.scics -x ICS_serverroot=/cal-svr-base 
         -y Resource_dependencies=CAL-HASP-RS,LOG-HOST-RS
    ./scrgadm -e -j CAL-SVR-RS
  6. Test the successful creation of the calendar resource group by performing a fail over.

    ./ scswitch -z -g CAL-RG -h Node1

    When you have finished this step, you have completed the creation and configuration of the asymmetric high availability system for Calendar Server. The section that follows explains how to set up logging on Sun Cluster for debug purposes.

    You have now finished the installation and configuration of an asymmetric Calendar Server HA system.