Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 64-bit Installation Technical Note

To Begin Installation

  1. Log on as root to become a superuser.

  2. Start the text-based installer. Use the commpkg usage as described in commpkg usage. When commpkg is invoked, a log file will record the installation parameters.)

    # ./commpkg install

    -- LOGFILE: /tmp/CommsInstaller_20070501132825.log

  3. Accept the License Agreement. If you have already read the agreement in its entirety, you have the option of skipping the agreement and accepting the terms. To accept the terms of the agreement without viewing the entire license agreement, hit Enter to continue, then enter n to skip reading the agreement, and enter yes to accept the terms.

  4. Specify Installation Location where server files will be installed (also known as the INSTALLROOT) or accept the default location.

    Note –

    The default INSTALLROOT has changed from /opt/SUNWmsgsvr to /opt/sun/comms/messaging (for 32–bit installations) and /opt/sun/comms/messaging64 (for 64–bit installations)

    After specifying the INSTALLROOT, notices for Operating System and Shared Components patches may appear if previous versions of patches are installed on the machine.

  5. Select Products to Install

    In this release, there are four products: Messaging Server 6.3, Messaging Server 6.3 (Localized Version), Messaging Server 6.3 64–bit, and Messaging Server 6.3 64–bit (Localized Version).

  6. Generate List of Items to Install

    In this step, the installer lists all the products as well as shared components that will be installed or upgraded. If items need to be upgraded, the installer will give you the choice to upgrade.

    Caution – Caution –

    Remember, upgrading shared components is an irreversible process. However, if you do not install the correct version of the shared components, the product may not work as designed. So, proceed carefully when installing and upgrading shared components and products.

    Once you determine what you are going to install and upgrade, the installer will create a summary.

  7. Ready to Install

    Once you specify the components you're installing and upgrading, the installer is ready to install Messaging Server files into INSTALLROOT.

    If everything installs properly, you will see All tasks PASSED in the summary panel.

  8. Log Files

    Once installation has completed, time-stamped log files are created like in the following example:

    • To undo your installation, go to your undoCommsInstall script like the following example:/var/opt/CommsInstaller/logs/undoCommsInstall_20070501135358

    • To run silent installation for multiple installations, use the silent installation file like in the following example:/var/opt/CommsInstaller/logs/silent_CommsInstaller_20070501135358

    • The installer creates a log file of the installation process in the following location. For example:/var/opt/CommsInstaller/logs/CommsInstaller_20070501135358.log

  9. Undo Installation

    If you want to remove the installation that you just ran, you can undo your installation by running the undoCommsInstall script like the following example:/var/opt/CommsInstaller/logs/undoCommsInstall_20070501135358.

    Undo reverses the specific steps taken during installation. It will also undo Shared Component installations. If, however, you want to pick and choose specific components to uninstall, use the commpkg uninstall command: Uninstalling Messaging Server. The uninstaller does not uninstall shared components.

  10. Directory Layout

    In the INSTALLROOT (default: /opt/sun/comms), you may see the following directories:

    • CommsInstaller, where a copy of the Installer resides.

      Note –

      The log files listed in the previous step are located in the /var/opt/CommsInstaller/log directory. If you install Messaging Server in an alternate root, the logfiles are located in the alternate root's INSTALLROOT/var/opt/CommsInstaller/log directory.

    • messaging, the 32–bit Messaging Server version

    • messaging64, the 64–bit Messaging Server version