Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Installation Guide

ProcedureTo Install the Update Components Using the GUI-Based Update Tool

This procedure explains how to install an Update patch on top of an existing Web Space Server 10.0 installation using the GUI-based Update Tool. If you prefer to use the pkg command line tool, see To Install the Update Components Using the CLI-Based pkg Tool.

Before You Begin

Note the following before you begin the Update installation:

  1. In a command shell for your operating system, change to the ws-install-dir/bin directory and run the updatetool command.

    If this is the first time you have launched updatetool, the full Update Tool product will not yet be installed, and you are prompted to allow installation to proceed.

    1. Type y when prompted to install Update Tool.

      The installer downloads and installs the full Update Tool product and then exits.

    2. Enter the updatetool command again to launch Update Tool.

    The Update Tool main window is displayed, with Available Updates highlighted.

  2. (Optional) Specify proxy server settings, if necessary.

    This step is only required if you are using Update Tool from behind a firewall that implements a proxy server.

    1. Click Preferences in the Update Tool main window to display the proxy server settings dialog.

    2. Enter your proxy settings, and then close the dialog to return to the Update Tool main screen.

  3. Click the Web Space node in the Application Images pane on the left in Update Tool.

    Details about the currently selected software repositories are displayed. To get the Web Space Server updates, the update repository URL must be modified in this list.

  4. Click Edit Properties on the right side of the Image Details pane.

    The repositories displayed by default depend on the version of Web Space Server you are using.

    • If you are using Web Space Server Update 6:

      1. Select the repository in the Image Properties dialog, and then click Edit.

      2. In the Repository Properties dialog, modify the Repository URL so it reads:

      3. Click OK twice to return to the Update Tool main window.

    • If you are using Web Space Server Update 5 or earlier:

      1. Select the repository in the Image Properties dialog, and then click Edit.

      2. In the Repository Properties dialog, modify the Repository URL so it reads:

      3. Click OK twice to return to the Update Tool main window.

    • Verify that the repository is now Enabled and selected as Preferred.

  5. Back in the Update Tool main window, choose the Available Updates node in the Application Images pane to display the list of available Updates.

    The available updates and their associated WAR files are displayed. It is recommended that you always choose the latest available update.

  6. Select the Web Space Server update package you want to install, and then click Install to install the update.

  7. Restart the application server.

    For example, if running GlassFish Enterprise Server, use the following commands:

    cd gf-install-dir/bin
    ./asadmin stop-domain domain_name
    ./asadmin start-domain domain_name
  8. Change to the ws-install-dir/webspace/application directory.

  9. Run the Ant install.xml script to regenerate and redeploy the Web Space Server WAR files.

    ant -f install.xml
  10. Restart the application server once again.

    For example, if running GlassFish Enterprise Server:

    cd gf-install-dir/bin
    ./asadmin start-domain domain_name