Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Secure Web Access Add-On Guide

HTML Page After Rewriting

<title>JavaScript EXPRESSION Variables Test Page</title>
// Rewriter appends the wrapper function 
psSRAPRewriter_convert_expression here
<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">
//Expression variables
var expvar1="images";
var expvar2="/logo.gif";
var expvar =psSRAPRewriter_convert_expression( expvar1 + expvar2);

// Rewriter recognizes the right hand side of this statement to be a JavaScript EXPRESSION variable. Rewriter is not able to resolve the value of this expression at the server end. Hence, the psSRAPRewriter_convert_expression function is prefixed to the expression. The expression is evaluated at the client end, and rewritten as required.

document.write("<A HREF="+expvar+">EXPRESSION</A><P>")

// The rewritten value of expvar from the previous statement is used to arrive at the value of this expression. Because the result is a valid URL (a graphic exists at this location in the sample), the link will work.

var expvar="gateway URL/portal-server-URL/images/logo"+".gif";

// Rewriter recognizes the right hand side of expvar to be a string expression. This can be resolved at the server side, and hence is rewritten directly.

document.write("<A HREF="+expvar+">EXPRESSION</A><P>")

// The rewritten value of expvar from the previous statement is used to arrive at the value of this expression. Because the result is a not a valid URL (a graphic does not exist at the resultant location), the link will not work.

Testing JavaScript EXPRESSION variables