Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 OpenSSO Add-On Guide

Chapter 1 Overview

The Sun Microsystems OpenSSO Add-On for Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 software provides enterprise-grade single sign-on and authentication features for Web Space Server portals and portlets. This Add-On also provides convenience features for mapping OpenSSO and Access Manager users, roles, filtered roles, groups, and realms to Web Space Server users, communities, and organizations. This guide provides instructions for installing, using, and troubleshooting the OpenSSO Add-On.

This chapter includes the following topics:

Who Should Read This Guide?

This guide is intended for registered Web Space Server developers and administrators who want use the OpenSSO Add-On for Sun GlassFish Web Space Server package to enhance the power of Web Space Server software with OpenSSO single sign-on and authentication features. This guide is also of interest to developers and administrators who are looking to migrate OpenSSO or Access Manager—based Portal Server user, role, group, and realm configurations to corresponding Web Space Server configurations.

Note –

This guide does not provide detailed usage instructions for using Web Space Server in general. For such information, refer to the rest of the Sun GlassFish Web Space Server Document Collection. Note also that this guide does not explain how to install and configure your OpenSSO server. You must have a working OpenSSO server configured before installing the OpenSSO Add-On.

What Are Sun GlassFish Web Space Server Add-Ons?

The OpenSSO Add-On for Sun GlassFish Web Space Server is one of several Add-On packages available for Sun GlassFish Web Space Server software. These add-ons, also sometimes called accelerators, are an evolving set of standalone feature packages that provide performance enhancements and/or easier integration with third-party software tools. Please see the Sun GlassFish Web Space Server product page for the most current list of Add-On packages available for Web Space Server.

Where Can You Get Web Space Server Add-On Packages?

The Sun GlassFish Web Space Server Add-On packages are available for free to registered Web Space Server users through the Sun GlassFish Update Tool. The specific Add-On packages that are available to you depend on how your Web Space Server software is registered:

It is important to note that while Sun GlassFish Web Space Server software is a free, open source product, the Web Space Server add-ons are proprietary components developed and licensed by Sun Microsystems, Inc.

To learn more about Web Space Server, Add-On products for Web Space Server, and Web Space Server service contracts, go to the Sun GlassFish Web Space Server product page.

Additional Sun GlassFish Web Space Server Documentation

Each Web Space Server Add-On package has its own user's guide. Please see the Sun GlassFish Web Space Server Add-On Document Collection for links to documentation for the currently available Add-On products. Be sure to check back often, as the list of available add-ons is updated frequently.

For complete documentation for the core Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 software product, see the Sun GlassFish Web Space Server Document Collection. Additional portal-related documentation is also available on the Liferay wiki and OpenPortal documentation sites.