Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Microsoft Sharepoint Add-On Guide

ProcedureTo Add a User on Active Directory to Web Space Server

Consider that Active Directory on the Sharepoint site (in this example, has a user named Paul with the email ID To add the user to Web Space Server, you need to create a new user on Web Space Server with as the email ID. Then you need to login to Web Space Server, with as the username, and add the Sharepoint Membership Portlet to your page. The Sharepoint Membership Portlet displays the Sharepoint sites for which the user is registered.

Note –

When an email ID is defined as the Authentication Search Filter (that is when the Authentication Search Filter is mail=@email_address@), only the email ID of the user registered on Web Space Server and the email ID of the user in the Active Directory on the Sharepoint site need to match. Any other user information and the password are not required to be identical.

  1. Log in to Web Space Server as the admin user.

  2. Navigate to Control Panel -> Users under Portal category.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Specify the user details.

    In this example, type as the email ID.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Select Password under User Information.

  7. Specify a password and click Save.