Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Microsoft Sharepoint Add-On Guide

Introduction to Sharepoint Integration

Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0 is freely available for Windows Server 2003, so any machine running Windows Server 2003 can download and install Sharepoint Service 3.0. Web Space Server provides a set of services similar to Sharepoint, such as Calendar, Discussion, Tasks, Announcement, Wiki and Blog. For the users who want to keep existing services/data, the solution we provide here is to allow users to access Sharepoint services through Web Space Server. Sharepoint integration is provided by the Sharepoint Add-on, which can be installed on Web Space Server.

The add-on itself is in a single war file, so the installation is simple. The deployed war file includes the following components:

Table 3–1 Components in the WAR file for Sharepoint Add-On

Add-On Component


Admin portlet 

Configures/controls user mapping and crawler. 

Sharepoint Crawler 

Aggregates sharepoint sites data into Web Space Server search index. 

User Mapping 

Maps a portal user to a sharepoint services active directory user. 

Search portlet 

Provides a search user interface for indexed Sharepoint data. 

Membership portlet 

Uses the metadata of indexed sites and user mapping to present expandable list of sites (which can be added as WSS List portlets) to portal users who has membership (with contribute privilege). 

WSS List portlet 

Portlet to access a Sharepoint List. Multiple portlets can be added via the UI in membership portlet on a selected Sharepoint List, such as Calendar, Document Library. 

Figure 3–1 Sharepoint integration architecture

Sharepoint integration architecture